Chapter 95


I sat there, my spine stiff and looked at him where he stood in front of the closed door. My last words to him were threatening to kill him, so the fact that I couldn’t figure out how to start a conversation right now wasn’t a surprise. Did I apologize for my behavior? I didn’t feel sorry for it at all, so I wouldn’t lie to him about it.

Troy stood there looking worried, tired and almost as confused as I felt, clearly he didn’t know what to say either. His eyes just kept moving over me in a slow appraisal, normally I wouldn’t have minded that sort of look from a male, it was very complimentary, but right now it just reminded me of what had happened to put us both in this awkward moment.

My emotions were running in about ten different directions and I tried to decide which one to go with. I was still mad as hell that I was marked but I couldn’t blame him, according to what Mitz had just told me. I didn’t want to forgive him too quickly either, he should suffer right along with me for a while at least. The feeling of wanting to snuggle into his arms kept flashing through my mind, which would negate pretty much everything else I was feeling. Awkward didn’t even begin to cover the state we were in.

Clearing his throat, he took a few steps closer. “I seem to be at a loss as how to proceed,” he said quietly with disbelief in his tone.

I watched him carefully as he got closer, monitoring exactly how I was feeling about it. I still wanted to smack him silly, but I also wanted to forgive him. “Yeah, I’m in the same place.” When he sat on the table my instinct told me to run, then my arm tingled reminding me that the opportunity to flee had long passed. I didn’t want to look at his tattoo, the one that said he was mine, but my eyes moved over it despite my resolve. Mitz was right, even though it was identical to mine it looked good on him, gave him that whole bad boy aura. I mentally groaned, like he needed to look more appealing.

His eyes followed mine and looked down at his arm. Lifting his hand, he studied it. “It burns like a bitch.”

Well at least we agreed on something. “Mine too.”

With one large finger he traced over the swirls on his palm, like he was still amazed the marks were there. “I am sorry that this happened, but I’m not at the same time.” His hazel eyes caressed my face. “I am overwhelmed with pride that fate gave you to me.” The look softened. “I am also fighting this very strong desire to pull you off that cushion and crush you in my arms.”

I jolted, sitting further back. “My brain is mush too, if that helps.” I sighed, knowing this was ridiculous behavior for two adults, one of us aged way past adulthood. “Look, Mitz explained you had no control over what happened.” I looked down at my own hand. “So I’m not pissed about that anymore.”

“But you’re still pissed.”

I nodded. “Yeah.” I waved a hand around. “How does all of this exist and no one knows?” Suddenly feeling cornered, I got up to pace around. “Another realm that’s been there since forever and people are just oblivious. Okay, I admit it felt different to me, but it kind of familiar too.” I spun around and looked at him. “How does that happen?”

He didn’t move where he sat or make any sign of attempting to answer. Good for him, he knew to let me have my little rant.

“I’ve always been a fighter, I don’t know when it happened or how, it was like just there one day and I went with it.” I snorted. “I can’t say I defended the meek and innocent, but I broke my ass to bring those to justice that deserved it.” I motioned in the air. “So all the pieces kind of clicked when I was told I was destined to be this huntress. Fine. So, I’m Alterealm’s Huntress. I’ll take it…” hands on my hips I glared down at the floor, “but mated? I didn’t sign up for that, no offence,” I glanced over at him briefly, “I mean, sure I always hoped I’d find my happily-ever-after some day but to have it forced down my throat before I can even decide if it’s right for me at this point in my life…” I ran out of words, I didn’t know what to say. That was a first I’m sure.

“Daxx.” He stood up and took a few steps in my direction, stopping with several feet between us. Compassion bled from him as he looked at me. “I will not force this.” He glanced at his arm. “Beyond what has happened. I don’t want you to think I would back you into a corner,” his eyes flicked to the knife on my belt, “which would undoubtedly be bad for my health.” He moved closer in a cautious way until he was close enough to reach out and touch my cheek gently. “All I ask is that you give us a chance. Get to know me. No pressure.” His eyes hardened. “I will not complete the blood bond until you ask me.” His spin stiffened and he took on that stance of the warrior King that he was.

“And if I decide never?”

I watched several emotions go through his eyes. “Then we’ll deal with it when and if the time comes.”

Okay, I suddenly felt better knowing he was as big a mess with all of this, just like I was. I sighed and then nodded. “Okay.” I could see him visibly relax as he continued to stand there. The look in his eyes softened with what looked like adoration and that kicked me in the gut as warmth started to spread through me. I cleared my throat and stepped back. “Now what?”

Troy’s eyes moved down over me, lust very much there.