Chapter 30


“I made the decision to let you settle in and adjust before discussing it.” Troy offered in his voice of authority.

“I see.” I glanced from him to his twin, “and the part about choosing one from the throne for my mate?”

“I wanted to tell you,” Quinton said quickly.

“You should have.” He at least looked repentant. I moved around the table and then stopped behind Chase.

He turned and studied me. “Are you going to stab me, kitten?” Even though his voice was light and playful, the expression in his eyes was serious.

“I probably should.” Moving down the table, I stopped and looked at Troy. His hazel eyes were filled with apology, but his mouth didn’t say the words. Shaking my head, I continued on until I was back to the book. “What happens if this huntress doesn’t choose?”

“You condemn us to bachelorhood for evermore.” Rafael said as he looked around at his brothers.

“And the line to the throne stops.” Troy added, still taping out the beat on the table.

Opening the book, I flipped to a random page. “Seriously, none of you will marry or have children until your two rulers have their mates?”

“Only one has to…” Quinton stated matter-of-factly. “—with you.” He added quickly and then looked away.

I ignored wanting to growl and continued. “And children?” I looked around at their puzzled looks. “Surely you have sex.” That, I found was the wrong thing to say to eight males. All answered loudly and at the same time, I couldn’t pick out any one answer, but knew sex was definitely happening.

“We can only impregnate our true mate.” Victor offered with an uncomfortable expression on his face.

That the book hadn’t mentioned or if it did I’d skimmed over that part. There were other things flying around in my brain, like the fact that I wasn’t like them, how could I mate with a man that would live forever? If I did for some reason live longer, would I be the one to have the next twin rulers in two hundred plus years? How did they know someone was their true mate?

I knew they’d have answers, which is why I didn’t ask, I simply didn’t want any more information to deal with right now. “I can’t choose right now.” I said looking at the leaves on the book again.

The sound of a chair being pushed back echoed through the room. I didn’t glance up to see which one was walking over to me. A hand with the ring baring the symbol of a moon cupped my chin and tilted my face up to look at them.

I looked into Troy’s eyes they were bordering on turning red and it kind of creeped me out to know I recognized this now.

“No one is asking you to choose right now or at all for that matter.”

I nodded and closed my eyes, because I just couldn’t look into his right now. His hand dropped away. A quiet ringing sounded in the room. Realizing it was my phone; I pulled it out of my pocket and answered it.

It was Frank and I was actually relieved to hear his voice, anything to get me out of here. He talked quickly about a job. “What’s the charge?” It turned out to be minor in comparison to some of the more recent ones I’d done. “I’ll pick up the file in the morning.”

Hanging up, I turned and looked at all the eyes watching me. “Enjoy your dinner, gentlemen.”

I brushed past Troy and went back out into the hallway.

I could hear someone following me, but didn’t slow down.

“Daxx.” Quinton caught up to and touched my arm to stop me. “You need to eat, after earlier…”

My eyes moved over his face, noting he seemed to look better than the last time. The skin had tightened and the man I’d thought was a thing at first sight had a sculpted jaw and high cheekbones now. “I will when I get home, promise.”

“Home?” His brown eyes searched mine. “You’re leaving?”

I nodded. “I have a job to do and I can’t find any in possession of the device if I’m on this side.”

He stepped back. “Okay. I can come with you and help now.”

“Maybe another time, I just need some space right now, Quint. Okay?” Not waiting for a response, I walked to the hallway and leaned against the wall. Closing my eyes, I focused on home.