Chapter 79


For three days we stayed at my place. Raf and Quinton were the only Alterealm residents I had to face, but I was beginning to feel like a coward. I had to go back at some point and face things. I knew this.

Crissy was completely engrossed in hunting down the missing brother. In a few day’s time she had lists and references and was on her way to actually finding out the mother’s name. Modern technology was a very good thing, if you knew where to look and apparently she did. Keeping her busy also kept her in the apartment and safe. I wished I had of thought of finding something to do with her brain before. She didn’t look as antsy either.

Somewhere along the way I decided I was going to let her continue to stay here when I was on the other side. If I let myself believe the prophecies I would be spending more time away than home in the future, and knowing she was looked after made me feel more settled with the idea.

We were no further ahead finding Marcus, and the longer we spent tracking him down the more I worried that something catastrophic was going to happen before we could do anything about it. Then again, tracking is what I did, and here I was hiding in my apartment so I was partially to blame for things idling.

I’d been forbidden to work for Frank. I wasn’t all for the being ordered to do things, but in this case, I allowed it to slide by. Keeping Criss safe and finding Marcus was more important than a few bail jumpers. Of course, the fact that the brothers were footing my bills right now made me very uncomfortable, but again when things weren’t so crazed I’d deal with that.

When Quinton and Rafael were ordered back to the other side, I knew my time was up, I’d have to go back. One of Troy’s guards was placed on watch outside and Crissy was set up with enough food to feed three of her for a week. With Quinton and my numbers on speed dial.

Reluctantly, I said goodbye and told I’d be back soon and then went for a walk to the treed area in the park.

Thankful that I knew my way around a little better, I ducked into the kitchen hoping to grab some leftovers from Mitz. I was hooked on her cooking. She’s replaced that soft spot in my heart that the little deli down my block had held for the last two years.

As I stepped in the door Mitz looked up long enough to see who it was and then pointed to the plate sitting heaped with food. It made me wonder if she had the gift of sight and just hid it from everyone.

I dug into the amazing eats and did a mental moan as I chewed. It was that good.

“He’s a good man you know.”

Pausing with the fork in front of my mouth, I glanced at her. “Who?”

“Chase. He’ll be hurting that he upset you.” She continued polishing the silver dish she held, barely glancing in my direction.

Setting the fork down, I watched her for a few minutes. “It wasn’t meant to be. Some things can’t be undone.”

She nodded. “I know. He doesn’t like to harm, that’s why he selects women, for the most part.”


Sighing, she waved a hand at me. “I know, love. I just worry over him because he’s on that side and his family is here. I think everyone does and that’s why they silently hoped you’d choose him.” She set the dish aside and studied me. “He was different with you here. I still can’t believe he gave you his blood, he’s never done that before.” She smirked. “He swore he never would.”

I swallowed down that bit of information for later. “I haven’t chosen anyone.”

Moving over to the fridge, she pulled out a Dr. Pepper and brought it over to me. “I know. Troy is going to be harder to get close to you know.”

“Why do you say that?”

She smiled and it was one of those that meant she had secrets. “He keeps everything close to his heart, love. I just thought you should know.”

“Well, thanks.” I took a sip of the pop. “They all at practice now?”

Nodding, she moved back over to the counter.

“Maybe I’ll go get a workout with them.” I stood up.

“Don’t hurt anyone.”