Chapter 108


“I realize you’ve just sealed the deal, brother king, but the honeymoon will have to wait. We have prisoners to interrogate.” Chase said beside us.

Troy lifted his lips from mine and straightened up but continued to look at me, his eyes were turning from hazel to red as he did. “I don’t think I’m going to make it to the cells right now.” He gave me a smoldering look.

My arm started to tingle but then it moved through my entire body, a sensation that took me from wanting him to needing him. Now. I sucked in a breath and began to run my hands over his bare chest.

“Troy, you can’t be serious.” Chase cleared his throat. “I know you’re standing there with your newly mated woman, but we have…”

“Not now, Chase,” I said breathlessly when Troy opened his mouth, baring his fangs. Reaching up I ran my finger over the sharp point and smiled up at him.

“Huh.” Chase sighed. “Fangs do it for you then.” His boots echoed on the pavement.

Biting my finger gently, Troy took my hand away from his mouth. “We need to leave. Now.” I nodded.

A familiar vibration moved through me and in an instant we were standing in Troy’s bedroom. Reaching up, I undid the buckle that held his sword to his back, the metal hit the floor with a loud clang. His hands were freeing me of my own harness, I paused for a split second wondering where my Sais were but the burning need began to move through me so they were quickly forgotten.

With impatient hands, he pulled the leather armor from my body and flung it to the floor, my tank top followed quickly. I was trying to get his jeans undone when his mouth closed around an aching nipple and I groaned, my knees almost folding as another wave of lust flooded me.

Grasping his head, I held on so he wouldn’t stop. “Will it always be like this?” I whispered trying to breath.

Nipping me gently with his sharp teeth, then he straightened and pulled me into his body. “Hot and needy?”

I nodded, the rasping of his voice going straight to my core and robbing me of the power of speech.

Ripping the button from my pants, he had them pooled at my feet faster than I could blink. I kicked out of my boots and stepped out of them almost as fast. When he lifted me up, I wrapped my legs around his waist.

He started walking us to the bathroom, his teeth blazing a trail up my throat as he went. “No. After four or five times, I can probably slow down enough to savor you slowly.”

I groaned as he sucked on my neck. “Only four or five?”

Grasping my hair, he pulled my head back so he could move his mouth up the column of my throat. “Mmm, at least.”


My entire body was numb in the most pleasing way. I couldn’t feel my feet or arms, and I’d never felt as amazing as I did right now. I looked over at the sweat-soaked man beside me lying sprawled on his back. Running my hand down over the bite marks on his chest, I wanted to purr with satisfaction. “I believe that was seven,” I whispered, resting my cheek against his rib cage.

He chuckled. “Math was never my strong point.” Rolling, he pulled me into his long body, fitting me tight against him. He licked the sweat from my throat leisurely for a few moments. “Are you very sore? I’m sorry I’m so rough with you. I just can’t seem to help it.”

He nipped my throat with sharp teeth, causing a quack of pleasure to move through me. “I’ll let you know when the feeling returns.”

Leaning back, he grinned at me. “You know I have healing properties in my saliva, I could ease your discomfort…”

Placing my hand over his lips, I smiled at him. “I fell for that on round four, or was it five? I’ll just lay here and enjoy the ache for now.”

“If you’re sure.” Pulling my head, he cradled me against his chest, his hand gently stroking down my back.

“Troy?” I inhaled the male scent of him.


Tipping my head back, I studied the hazel eyes moving over my face with complete adoration shining from them. “I’m not sure I want to have twins. I mean I’m all for the living a long time, I just don’t think I want twins.”

He chuckled. “We could get lucky and that will fall to Chase and his mate.”

I sighed and rested my head over his heartbeat. “I guess we’ll find out in about two hundred and forty years then.”

Rolling me onto my back, his weight pushing me into the bed, he smiled down at me suggestively. “I can think of a few things to do to pass the time until then.”

The exhaustion was forgotten, the hunt for Marcus pushed aside and all that mattered was the man whose lips moved over my own with aching tenderness. We’d get Marcus, later…

Much, much later.

Someone pounding on the door startled both of us. “Troy! Daxx! You need to get out here. Now!” Raf’s voice was more urgent than I’d ever heard. Before we could cover up the door flew open. “It’s Crissy. We have to go.”


The Alterealm Series continues with book 2, The Seer