Chapter 70


All the veils lifted in that moment and I understood how the connection was made for the marking to happen. I let go of his hand like it had just burned me and tucked both into the back pocket on my jeans. “I get it,” I said softly, feeling a little silly.

Chase continued to stand close to me for a few more seconds, his eyes moving over my face and pausing on my mouth.

“May I ask if you felt it last… night?” Troy’s voice interrupted our silent stares.

Moving away from Chase, I shrugged. “I can’t say, honestly I have been feeling things I’ve never felt since I got here.” Like wanting two men all the time, I thought.

“I’ve felt the pull since the time I walked in to find half my brothers crowding around her.” Chase said softly as he moved around me and went back over to the couch.

Troy nodded. “Yes, I felt it the very second she stepped into my office and threatened to slice Welsley a whole new life-style.” Again, he looked carefully at me before returning his gaze to his sibling. “What happened last night? I don’t mean to pry, I am just trying to understand this beyond reading it in books.”

Chase dropped down off the arm and sat on the cushion. “Daxx offered to let me feed from her, she was curious I suppose.” I blushed, Troy’s face filled with envy, but he didn’t say anything. Chase continued. “It was like nothing I’ve ever experienced, I was damn near intoxicated in no more than the span of a few seconds.”

When Troy looked at me, his expression had softened. “Yes, I can relate quite well to that.”

I remembered when I helped Quinton.

“And then I was consumed with her, every pore in my body drove me and I couldn’t seem to stop myself. I still don’t know how I did,” Chase finished in an odd tone.

“Nor I,” Troy replied.

Shaking my head, I went back over and stood behind the chair. “Well, I for one am very happy you managed it. I just thought it was …” My brain kicked in and I immediately stopped talking. Chase grinned, but Troy once again looked down at the floor, his jaw tense.

“Are there any other questions you need answered, my queen?” Looking weary, Troy got up.

I didn’t know what to ask first. “Thousands, but I can’t seem to find just one.”

“Feel free to call me anytime you like if you need an answer to anything. I have to go deal with a few matters.” He looked around at Chase, who nodded his agreement.

A phone rang out, with a sigh, Chase pulled his out of his pocket and got up and moved to the far side of the room before he answered it.

When I looked back, Troy was standing only a few inches away from me. Several emotions crossed his face before he spoke. “Are you still planning to come back and see more of my realm?”

“Yeah, why wouldn’t I?”

He looked over at Chase and then back down at me with a pained expression in his eyes. “I don’t see my brother handling that well.”

I couldn’t say I hadn’t thought of the blood bond being a factor when I went back, I was actually hoping it would wear off with a little space. “Hey, we had a deal. I spend time here with him and then with you.”

His eyes held mine with a look so serious I couldn’t look away, “And then what, little Huntress?” His voice was soft and low, making shivers crawl all over my skin. I wasn’t sure if that was a good or bad thing.

I shook my head. “Honestly, I don’t know, Troy. My head is all over the place, I’m not even sure if it’s attached most of the time lately.”

“I can assure you it’s still exactly where it should be.” He touched his finger under my chin for a moment, something soft but unreadable in his eyes. “I will see you tomorrow.” With a final glance at his brother, he turned and left the office before I could say anything else.

The door closed as Chase hung up the phone. I didn’t even have to ask if something was wrong, I could feel what he felt.

“I’m afraid I may have to leave you on your own for your last night here, kitten. It seems I have restless followers to calm.”

The sad note in his voice made me feel like I should go over and comfort him, again not something I generally did. “That’s okay; you do have some pretty serious obligations attached to you.”

With a grin, he leaned back against the desk. “Like a fungus at times.” He sighed. “I had hoped for a few quiet hours with you before tomorrow.”

“It’s those quiet times that could get us into trouble.” I tried to joke, but couldn’t pull off the carefree tone as well as I had hoped.

Raising his eyebrows at me, he walked over toward me. “A little trouble can be a good thing.” His gaze moved over my face.

Like a coward, I looked down at the carpet. “Until it turns into tattoos and blood rites.” When I glanced back at him, he was only a foot away, the chair between us.

“I’ve promised to behave.” There was a wounded tone in his voice.

“I know, but I think we should give ourselves a little space until this blood bond thing wears off, it could be the factor that’s making things …” I motioned between us, not sure how to say it.

Chase chuckled. “You think it’s the bond that almost made me mark you?”

I nodded.

“Hmm, it could be a small factor, but let me assure you, kitten, with or without it I’ll still want you.”

Butterflies took flight in my stomach with the way he was looking at me. What could I say to that?

Tucking his hands in his pockets, he offered a small smile. “We’ll put your theory to a test then? Keep our distance for a few days and see how it plays out after.”

I wanted to breathe a huge sigh of relief, but thought it might somehow be an insult to him. “Okay.”

Kissing his hand, he blew me a kiss and then motioned to the door. “I really must go. Tim will take you back to your room or to watch a movie, whatever you choose.”