Chapter 65


I barely got the zipper pulled up on my jeans when he knocked on the door again. I knew it was Chase, without even opening it. “Come in.”

He stepped through the door looking like a model for a sexy cologne ad. His hair was still wet, clothes hugged every muscle in all the right ways…

Raising an eyebrow, he stopped. “It might be a good idea to curb those thoughts for now.”

That startled me out of the mental images I was mooning over. Clearing my throat, I tried to shrug it off and ended up wincing in pain instead. Okay, maybe a little help in healing wouldn’t be so bad. I held up the arm that didn’t want to die and fall off my body and opened my hand to stop him. “A minimal dose, nothing more. Just give the healing a little jump start.”

He smirked. “I don’t think I’ve ever been thought of as a dose before.”

Rolling my eyes, I reached down and tried to pick up my boots, but the pain shot all the way up into my neck and I ended up dropping to one knee instead. Chase was beside me before I could try to recover. With gentle hands, he helped me to my feet.

“You are, by far, the most stubborn woman I have ever crossed paths with.” Without pause, he pulled the shirt, which had taken me more time to get on than I cared to admit, up my body and then he worked my arm back out of it. He groaned a painful sound. “Either you let me help you, now or I’ll call Quinton to come see this.”

“How is that fair?” I pictured Quinton’s dark eyes bleeding with emotion and concern.

Chase shrugged. “It’s not.”

Growling, I stepped back and glared up at him. “Fine.”

With a triumphant look that reminded me of a six-year-old getting his own way, he pulled his t-shirt off and tossed it into the chair. Without my permission, my eyes drank in the body he’d exposed and I had no problems placing my mouth against it, for any reason. With a slow appraising stare I kept going and moved to the waist of his jeans and then lower. The evidence of him not minding my eyes caressing him was plain to see. I suddenly felt warm all over. Clearing my throat, I looked up at his face again. “Is it a good idea for me to take from your chest? Wouldn’t a wrist or less appealing body part be better?”

“Probably, but I’m a glutton for punishment and it’s a good excuse to hold you, I’ve spent most of the day wanting to drag you into my arms.”

At least he was honest, I’d give him that. I looked at the smooth muscled chest again and my mouth dried up. “I repeat, is this a good idea?”

He took slow steps in my direction. “I’ve already fed, so that shouldn’t be an issue.”

I looked below his waist again and felt my cheeks flush. “I’m not sure that’s the only issue…”

Grasping my chin, he lifted it so my eyes moved back up to his. “It’s not, but I will behave.” His eyes were so serious. “I will not mark you until you consent.”

I didn’t bring up the fact that he’d made it sound like I would chose him. At this point I didn’t want to pick anyone, but I was starting to admit that in the end I may not have a lot of choice in the matter. Pulling my raptor out from behind me, I held it up to him.

With an intense look, he took it and pulled me gently until my face was a few inches from his chest. I looked up at him, so I wouldn’t have to watch him cut into his own flesh again for my sake. His hazel eyes held mine with a look of such tenderness I almost backed away for fear it would take me over.

He scored his chest and rested his hand against the back of my head as I leaned into him and ran my tongue over it. He hissed out a breath and then wrapped his other arm around me and moved closer so my whole body was against his.

I let his emotions fill me, so I could drown out the pain and forget about the questions. As my mouth closed over the wound, I could feel it from his end and for him it was pure pleasure to have me do this.

He pressed a hand into the small of my back and held our hips together as his other hand kept my head in place. He made a soft growling sound as I felt his whole body shudder. I swallowed and started to pull away but his hand stopped me.

Leaning down he whispered, “Keep going, kitten, I won’t lose control on you.”

Trusting him to keep his word, I continued to take his blood into my system before the wound could seal and stop the flow. His lust flashed inside my mind for a brief second, just long enough to stir my own. Not wanting to torture the man that was trying to help me, I swallowed again and gently licked over the cut before moving my mouth away from him.

He stood there, holding me, his posture tense. With a soft curse, he reached down and lifted my chin so he could reach my mouth with his own. The kiss was deep and passionate but he remained in control.

With a groan, he released me and stepped back. I stood there feeling lightheaded and stared at his chest as he took deep breaths. Snapping out of it when he moved back over, I paused as he turned me slowly and looked at my shoulder. “You could use more, but we’ll let that do its thing and see what happens.” His voice was low and hoarse.

Nodding, I offered him a half smile. “Okay.” I had to fight not to reach out and run my hand over his chest. “I think we should put our shirts back on and get to the cells.”

He cleared his throat and went over and picked his up. “That’s probably a good idea, I could use the distraction.”