Chapter 35


I was standing looking over maps of the day walker domains, trying to get a feel for the area when I suddenly had the feeling, I was being watched. Looking up, I glanced around to see everyone had gone, except the Kings who were standing across the room in almost the identical poses. Their arms were crossed the same way, they were leaning against the table in the same way and both were staring at me with the same expression on their face.

“Where’s a camera when you need it.” I joked.

When they both started walking toward me, my nerves zinged and told me to bolt now for my own safety. I ignored them and straightened up.

Troy spoke first. “We would like to apologize for not telling you everything.”

I shrugged. “I’m over it. Mostly.”

“It still wasn’t right.” Chase motioned to me. “You’re not a pawn and this isn’t a game.”

“I didn’t think it was.” Moving away from them, I paced around to the end of the table. It was time to come clean. “Look, I’m a little, okay, that’s a lie, I’m completely freaking overwhelmed with all of this. The whole other realm, other race of beings—finding out my tattoo just grew there and it wasn’t the result of a bad acid trip.” Troy raised his eyebrows but didn’t interrupt me. “I’m a bounty hunter, so the easy part in all of this is that I’m the Huntress on this side, it fits, that works for me. As to being a Queen—have you seen where I’m from? Where I live?”

Moving back in their direction quickly I threw my hands up. “I’ve been alone—always, I never spoke to my foster parents as I bounced through the system. I bailed on that when I was fifteen and lived through the shit life tossed at me to get this far. Now, all of a sudden I find myself constantly surrounded by people trying to look out for me.” I pointed at each of them, I don’t know why I did, just felt like I needed to. “To top it all off, suddenly I have seven really older than me, huge brothers that are all in my face and one lover I have to choose to spend eternity with.” Throwing my hands up, I spun away from them. “Don’t even get me started on having to have twins in two hundred and forty year’s time.”

Taking a deep breath, I tried to find some calm before I faced them again. When I turned around to look at them, I wanted to scream. They stood where I’d left them, one with red eyes, the other with yellow. “Great, now I’ve set the both of you off as a grand finale.”

Troy moved in my direction first and then Chase. Neither reached for me, just moved closer.

“We’re not going to push you, Daxx.” Troy said quietly.

“We didn’t make the rules, kitten, fate did that. We just follow them.” Chase whispered.

Sighing I looked down at the floor, unable to deal with the whole eye color thing right now. “You don’t get it, Chase.” Feeling like a coward, I looked back up into two pairs of hazel eyes. “At some point in all of this someone is going to be hurt and it will be me causing it.”

“What would you like to do?” Troy tucked his hands in his pockets and looked down at me with compassion almost bleeding from his eyes.

“I thought before I make any decisions I’d get to know both of you first. Maybe spend some time with Chase on his side and some time with you here.”

“Sounds reasonable.” Troy agreed.

Taking a deep breath, I patted both of their chests. “Who knows I may loathe both of you in the end and choose just to go home.”

Chase chuckled. “You won’t take the easy way out, kitten, it’s not in you.”

I scowled at him, “maybe.”

Reaching down, he tilted up my chin and touched his thumb to my lip. “I still don’t like this, brother King, I think we should pay some retribution to the one that caused this.”

Troy placed his hand under the other side of my chin and smiled. “I think your right day ruler, we should indeed.”

Smacking both of their hands away, I turned back to the table. “Why don’t you two go rule or do something kingly.”

“Yes, my Huntress Queen.” Troy joked as he moved away.

“I’ll see you at dinner, kitten, try not to get beaten before then.” Chase retreated as well.