Promote your story on Novelo
Want to get your story noticed? Let Novelo help! Advertise with us to reach, on average, up to 1,400 page views a day (this figure is accurate up to 11th November 2024).
How can Novelo help your story? We will promote your story by advertising them on the site. In addition, we will promote your story on our Facebook account as well as our weekly newsletter which is read by up to 2,000 Novelo members (this figure is accurate up to 11th November 2024).
Where will Novelo advertise my story? There are several places on this platform where we show advertisements: a square advertisement at the bottom of the sidebar on the story homepages and chapter pages in desktop view; a rectangular advertisement below the About Author section on the story homepages in mobile view; and underneath the chapter text, we show a rectangular advertisement.
How much does it cost? Below are the prices we charge:
- Square advertisements cost $5/day.
- Rectangular advertisements cost $8/day.
- Both advertisements cost $12/day (a $1/day saving).
- All advertisements will include being promoted on our Facebook account on the day(s) your advertisement is shown on Novelo.
- Your story will also be promoted on the next newsletter.
- The prices above are the same regardless of the genre of the story.
- These prices are subject to increases as Novelo gains popularity.
How do these prices compare with other book promotion services? Most book promotion services start at $20/day for basic promotion services with the more advanced packages costing hundreds of dollars.
Can I link the advertisement to a website outside of Novelo? Yes, you can.
Can I promote non-fiction? Novelo is a platform primarily for fiction, so we are currently not accepting advertisements for non-fiction.
How many days can I promote my story? Up to a week consecutively.
How long should I wait until I promote my story again? We ask you to wait a month until you advertise with us again to keep content fresh.
Can Novelo provide me statistics regarding my advertisements? Yes, we can provide you statistics on how many times your advertisements have been shown to readers and how many times it has been clicked. We can also (manually) provide you with statistics on the number of people who read the newsletter in which your promoted story was featured. However, we cannot provide statistics on Facebook views.
How do I advertise with Novelo? Use the Contact Form to start the process.