Chapter 82


I resisted the urge to yank at the neckline of the dress, even though it took every ounce of willpower to not to. The dress that Mitz had gotten all teary eyed over, and guilted me into wearing, was the most uncomfortable contraption I’d ever worn in my life. I stood there, staring at the mirror wondering who the hell the chick was looking back at me. Okay, so I looked good, but that didn’t mean I had to like it.

Mitz and her crazy friend had done something with my hair that made it look soft and wispy. I still doubted wispy was a real word. Of course, it had hurt like hell to have them both attack my head like it was a life or death quest. Now my hair had been curled, teased, pinned and sprayed and the end result was I looked…regal with curls hanging down and the rest all bunched up on top of my head. Who knew this was possible?

My shoulders were bare, hence the wanting to hike up the low neckline or bodice as I’d been corrected by Mittz. The bodice was too low. I was told it was entirely necessary to have my tattoo showing very plainly. Fine but what good shoving my boobs up did for my back I had no idea.

I was thankful that the color wasn’t pink or this other peachy color Mitz’s friend had tried to hoist off on me. It was a royal blue and that was the only thing I liked about it. Well, okay I like that it wasn’t poofy too. I had worried they were going to stick me in something that made me look like I was wearing a lampshade from the waist down. Instead it was gathered at my waist and fell straight down from there.

Lifting the edge, I looked down at the shoes again. I had refused the life threatening four inch heels that looked like nails with sparkly straps attached to them and insisted something that was dark blue and that actually covered my whole foot, explaining it would be more beneficial. Couldn’t have the long-awaited huntress making her grand entrance by falling on her face, now could we?

Taking a deep breath, I held it and looked at the overall picture again. Yeah, I did look damn good. Even the earrings were kind of cool. Mitz had explained I was to wear one of Chase’s emblems and one of Troy’s so I had a moon dangling in one ear and sun in the other—which set things off balance just enough that I was comfortable with it. The necklace was a on a fine silver chain and had both emblems on it as well. I was informed they had been crafted for me and me alone hundreds of years ago. How did someone refuse something like that?

A knock on the door had me finally turning from the mirror. “Come in.”

Quinton peaked in the door and then froze. He pushed the door open and just stood there staring at me. Taking a deep breath, he turned and spoke to someone in the hall. “We’re going to need more guards.”

I frowned, not sure why he would say that, but before I could question it, Rafael stuck his head in the door and whistled.

“Damn.” He gave me his best player smile.

Okay that, I understood, especially coming from Alterealm’s very own playboy. I smiled and looked down at myself. “It’s not too much?”

Quinton finally stepped in, he looked really great in his black tux. “It’s too much alright, but not in a bad way.” Taking my hand, he spun me around slowly. “We’re going to have to flank you through the whole thing so no one paws at you.”

I patted my thigh and smirked. “Let them try.”

Rafael shook his head. “Let me guess your cute little knife is strapped on?”

I snorted. “Only time I don’t wear it is when I’m naked.”

He cleared his throat. “Shall we go?”

I tensed. “If we have to. Walk slow dammit, these shoes are the dumbest idea yet.”

As we headed into the hallway, Quinton tucked my hand in his and grinned at Rafael. “Our brothers are going to pass out when they see her.”

Raf nodded. “Michael better have the camera handy.”

I looked from one to the other. “What are you talking about? How did you two get elected to escort me?”

Quinton patted his chest. “I found you. First dibs was mine.”

I rolled my eyes and looked at the other man, he smirked. “I won the toss.”

“The toss? With who?” I decided men were still boys no matter how many hundreds of years old they grew to be.

“Arius.” Rafael said with a big grin, “and he wasn’t pleased.”

Deciding there was too much testosterone suddenly choking me, I changed the subject. “So where is this being held and how many are going to be there?” I knew it was almost dusk, which meant both sides were up.

“At the big pavilion. It’s not used much anymore, but back in the day it was for festivals and celebrations.” Quinton glanced at Raf, they both had a longing look on their faces. “Everyone from both sides are invited, unless they’re imprisoned or guarding those that are.”

I swallowed. Everyone? Why had I thought it was only close family and friends? “Any protocol I need to be aware of?”

“Hey, little one, this is your night. If you want to dance around naked and throw food that’s your right.” Quinton tensed and looked down at me. “You won’t though, right?”

I swallowed the smile trying to come out. “Throw food? Never.”

He raised one eyebrow at me and then stopped while Raf opened the outside door. When we stepped through the large arch I froze and stared. A large fancy carriage with four huge horses was waiting for us. Was I in a fairy tale and had been transformed into freaking Cinderella and no one had told me? Beside it stood Tim and Welsley all dressed up in tuxes as well.

Tim smirked and raised both eyebrows at me. “My queen,” he said softly and bowed his head.

My stomach clenched, knowing I was going have to suffer through all the formality for the duration. The only thing to get me through was knowing when it was over I was off to hunt down a certain scum magician.

Welsley bowed his head and then straightened and gave me a curious look. “I am surprised you don’t have a knife strapped to your waist.”

I gave him a big grin and winked. “Nope, but that doesn’t mean I don’t have one somewhere.”

He gave Quinton a strange look. Quinton laughed. “She is the huntress, remember?”

Shaking his head, Welsley opened the carriage door and motioned for us to get in.

By the time the carriage came to a stop my nerves were wound so tightly I wanted to tell them the whole thing was off. Wouldn’t a mock battle or something be more appropriate to announce the arrival of their huntress? I thought so, of course Quinton had only laughed and hugged me when I suggested it.