Chapter 12


The talking stopped when everyone turned and looked at me. Seven chairs scraped back from the table as they all got to their feet. I suddenly felt like a dwarf again in this room full of tall people. Leone pushed his chair back further and turned to face me, I watched as he lowered his head. “If you bow or kneel, I will cut off your knee caps.” I said in a shaking voice. Lifting his head, he looked at me with his eyes wide.

Chase chuckled and shook his head. “Good. Here I thought it was only the shock of arriving that gave you that kick ass attitude.”

Troy glared at him and then motioned to the empty chair at the head of the table. “Please, take a seat, Daxx.”

Feeling like I was walking to the other end with a big spotlight over my head, I moved quickly to the chair. Murmurs followed me; I glanced over my shoulder to see all eyes on my back. The tattoo. When I got to my seat, I turned my back to the men and brushed my hair out of the way making sure they would get a good look. When I turned back around I glanced around at them. “Everyone happy now?” There were several nods. Pulling the chair out, I sat down and waited.

As the men sat back down, Mitz came through the door carrying a plate. She smiled and set it in front of me. “I didn’t know what you liked, so I’ve given you a little of everything.”

I looked at the plate that was like a mini buffet on a silver platter. Eggs, toast, bacon and sausage along with fruit and potatoes sat before me. My stomach growled, reminding me my last meal had been a long time ago. “It’s perfect, thank you.” With a big grin on her face, she went back out the door.

The men, now all settled back in their chairs continued eating. I was just picking up the fork when Quinton came through the same door Mitz had. He was carrying a plate and with his eyes down, walked to the far end of the table and pulled out a chair. All movement in the room stopped as all eyes were on him.

Glancing around, noting the shocked looks I came to the conclusion that Quinton rarely joined his family at meal time. Why he had sat with half a dozen empty chairs between himself and the others, I wasn’t sure. I also wasn’t going to eat with him sitting down there like an outcast.

Grabbing my plate and fork, I stood up and then froze as all the men at the table stood again, including Quinton. Their mama had beat some manners into them early on to be sure. Moving quickly, I went down the table and set my plate at the empty place beside Quinton. Smiling up at his shocked brown eyes I sat down again.

Feeling like I was in that damn spotlight again, I lowered my eyes to the plate and decided to eat and pretend I wasn’t being watched. Chairs scrapping against the floor and dishes clanging made me look up as the entire group of men were lifting their plates and cups and moving down the table. It was kind of sweet and a little odd, but I was going with it. I looked up at Quinton and watched the humor fill his eyes. “Are we gonna eat, or what?” I asked him.

With a grin, he picked up his fork and dug into the pile of bacon on his plate.

“Amen,” I whispered and did the same thing.

The others settled back into their meal. I looked around the table and realized there were two I didn’t know, not that I was going to say anything about it just in case it involved kneeling and everyone stopping eating again.

Quinton nudged me with his elbow and brought my attention back to him. He leaned down and whispered. “The scowling red head is Victor, the eldest and the one with the black hair and scar on his face is Michael.”

I smiled at him and mouthed ‘thanks’.

“Two more last night.” Chase said looking across the table at Troy.

Troy paused with his cup raised. “Really?”

Chase nodded. “Do you think Wanda knows why?”

Eyes turned to me. “Hey, I didn’t exactly have a conversation with her.”

“She knows something we don’t.” Rafael said before he stuffed more toast in his mouth.

“I’m coming with you.” Leone informed Troy.

“We should take Welsley…”

Chase shook his head at Michael. “We won’t need him on that side, we have Daxx now.”

I swallowed and then waved my fork around. “Excuse me.” All eyes turned back to me. “First, walking around on my side with two giant yummy’s…” I motioned to the twins, “is going to make it really hard to blend and move unseen.”

Quinton leaned down to me. “Yummy’s?” He snorted.

Ignoring him, I continued. “Second, no one that has a built-in nightlight radiating from them is going back with me.”

“She speaks as blunt as a Queen.” Arius added.

“One without refinement.” Victor said with a note of disdain in his voice.

“Watch your mouth.” Quinton said loud enough I jumped.