Chapter 53


A knock on the door barely registered.

“Yes?” Chase called out, still standing there holding my chin.

“It would save me time if you’d answer your damn…”

Chase released my chin and turned allowing me to see Troy standing in the door. He pulled his phone out and looked at it. “I didn’t hear it.”

Troy looked me up and down and I couldn’t focus enough to figure out what the expression on his face conveyed.

“When you didn’t answer I wondered if something was wrong.” He glanced at me again before his brother. “I can see nothing is.”

“I was telling Daxx we may be closer.” Chase didn’t let the look his brother was sending him make him move away from me, in fact I think he actually moved closer so our sides were touching.

“Were you telling her while she was bathing or drying?” There was no mistaking the sarcastic tone in Troy’s voice.

I scowled. “Neither. I had just got out when he knocked; I didn’t have time to get dressed yet.” Pulling the towel up further, I looked from one King to the other. Not liking the territorial vibes they were emitting, I sighed. “I’ll get dressed and then we can talk about what’s been discovered.” Moving quickly over to the closet, I pulled out the first top and bottom my hand connected with and then turned and went into the bathroom.

I don’t think I’ve ever dressed as fast as I did and when I was finished I regretted not grabbing underwear to put on. Glancing at the one’s I’d dropped on the floor earlier, I shook my head and went back out.

“Okay,” I said softly even though I wasn’t feeling very gentle inside. “What’s going on?”

Chase stood leaning against the desk, his arms crossed over his chest. Troy stood by the closed door in the identical position. Both had their jaws locked and a distasteful expression in their eyes as they looked at each other.

Rolling my eyes when I wanted to groan out loud but didn’t. “If you two are having some sort of internal argument I can’t hear, you may as well say it out loud.”

Chase turned and looked at me, his eyes softening as he looked me up and down. His lips twitched and I suddenly was blasted with a feeling of lust confirming two things, first that he did control this connection between us when he wanted to and second I should have put on the sweaty bra. “There’s no discussion taking place.” He shrugged, “I’m not sure what the issue is.”

Troy sighed loud enough we both heard him and turned. Lowering his head, he looked at the floor. “I do apologize. The last day has been a bit trying.” Lifting his head, he looked over at me, his eyes moving slowly over me. “First, we almost lose our Huntress, then we find out we’re in some pretty serious shit and when I stepped through the door I...”

With the last part, Chase straightened away from the desk. “Raf’s back?”

Troy nodded, the expression on his face looking bleak. “A short while ago. He’s exhausted but managed to get in and out without detection.”

“How bad?” Chase moved over to his brother in long strides.

“Bad,” Troy said quietly.

I looked from one to the other. “Can we drop the cryptic speak and tell me what is going on?”

Chase turned, a hesitant look on his face. “With the help of another mage using a cloaking spell, Rafael has been undercover on your side of the realm tracking down some leads.” He looked at Troy. “We have to tell her.”

I didn’t like where this was going. I reached behind me and then realized my raptor sat on the table. I suddenly felt more naked without it than I had in the towel. “Tell me what, guys?”

“We managed to find some leads on a few that have vanished from our side, the sort that should never be on your side,” Chase motioned to me. “While you were recovering Raf, Michael, Victor and Quinton have been on your side locating them…”

“Them, as in the ones that should never be on my side?” I held my breath until he nodded. “Did they bring them back?” I didn’t know what sort they were but if Chase felt they shouldn’t be there then I was worried.

Troy straightened away from the wall and came in my direction. “It’s not that simple. They’re working with Marcus and Raf has discovered it’s a lot worse than we first anticipated.”

“What did he find out?” Chase asked in a lethal tone.

“There are close to two dozen in Daxx’s realm. They meet the day after tomorrow.”

“Two dozen?” I interrupted.

Troy nodded. “That we know of.” His eyes flicked to Chase, who nodded before he looked back at me. “They are nightmares on your side. Cold blooded killers, mages and not the good kind and the rest are just crazy enough to think they can take over.”

My spine stiffened. “Take over? What, my side?”