Chapter 45


Closing my eyes, I thought maybe if I could just rest for a minute all of this would make sense. I could feel someone holding my chin but ignored that and left it to them to look out for me in this silent moment. My side still hurt and I wondered why in all of this I could feel that and nothing else. A warm stinging feeling moved along it and I could only surmise it was meant to feel that way.

“Stay with me, kitten, I need you to swallow.”

Lifting my eye lids took a lot of concentration, but I managed to open them enough to see Chase’s concerned face near my own. I wanted to thank him for picking me up out of the dirt, but when I tried all I could do again was lick my lips and gasp to breathe.

“Cut me again.” Chase’s voice was shaking and it bothered me.

I tried to summon the willpower to reach up to him, but I couldn’t feel my arm. Something ran down my throat and I almost gagged on it. When I tried to move my head the hold on my chin tightened.

“One more, love, then you can rest.”

I couldn’t see Mitz, but I felt comfort in her tone and tried to do whatever they were asking me to so I could close my eyes and rest finally.

“It’s not enough,” Chase growled from somewhere in the room.

“She’s strong, Chase. We’ll let her rest for a while and then rouse her and give her more.”

I had to agree with Mitz, or would have if my body wasn’t feeling like lead. I just wanted to sleep.


When I opened my eyes, the first thing I recognized was Chase’s hazel eyes only inches from my own.

“Welcome back, kitten,” he whispered.

My whole body throbbed and at this point I wasn’t sure if it was a good or bad thing, but I was still here so maybe things hadn’t been as bad as I’d thought. I could feel movement on the bed, but wasn’t able to summon enough energy to turn and see why.

“I need you to stay awake for a few minutes, my Huntress and take more.”

I blinked and wondered more what but before I could ask. Troy was leaning over me, the look in his eyes shadowed the same expression as his twin’s.

“She’s not going to stay conscious for long, stop dicking around.”

It sounded like Quinton, but I couldn’t see him. The bed shifted and I found my head being lifted again. This time I could feel the warmth of skin against my face and it was a comforting feeling. I felt the wet against my mouth and licked at it, knowing this time that it was Chase’s blood that covered my tongue. If he was still trying to give me his blood maybe I wasn’t doing as well as I thought.

It took every ounce of strength I had to swallow a few times.

“You should just cut your wrist.” Quinton said from beside me.

“The closer to the heart the better her chances.” Chase’s voice drawled from above my head.

Understanding now that he was cradling me against his chest to give me his blood, I tried again to move and take what he was offering. I could feel his hand grasp the back of my head as he held me close to him and managed to stick my tongue out brush it over his skin.

“That’s it, kitten, fight back.” I could feel his breath against my cheek as I tried to swallow once more.

Feeling drained I closed my eyes and let my head fall back into his hold.

“You should go feed, Chase, keep up your own strength.” Troy’s voice said quietly.

“I will when I know she’s resting.”

I could feel Chase’s arms lowering me back into the soft pillows.

“We’ll stay with her. You go now.”

Quinton was still here and he didn’t sound pleased. For a brief second the fog lifted enough for me to wonder who exactly the we covered, but I didn’t want to try to open my eyes to find out.

“You may have to give her more throughout the night, Chase. We can’t contribute because then she’s going to be really pissed if she wakes up and finds she’s connected to more than one of us.”

I wasn’t sure, but that sounded like Rafael. How many of the royal brothers were hovering around me?

I felt the bed move and then the cool air hit me where Chase’s warm body had been. “I’ll be back in fifteen minutes, call me if she wakes.” Chase’s voice faded like he was walking away.

“You boys come home when he gets back, the Huntress will sleep through the night.” Mitz told them in that motherly way. “Chase will need rest too if he has to keep giving to her.”

I had questions but they were going to have to wait as my body lazed and peacefulness seemed to fill me from the inside. I embraced it and let myself go.