Chapter 38


Quinton and Rafael still looked skeptical. Today was the first time I was going over to Chase’s half of Alterealm. I’d only seen it on the miles of maps they had but hadn’t once gone near ‘the other side’. If the maps were correct, it wasn’t that much different than the areas I’d been in over here.

I was finally led to a small room that had a door, with security lock on it. This was almost like the one Quinton had brought me in that first day, only I was told this one went to Chase’s side.

Troy walked into the room. “Chase will be here shortly.” He looked at his brothers with the same expression they had.

“Aren’t you guys overreacting a bit?” All they were doing was making me nervous on what to expect.

“I have no doubt Chase will look after you. We’re just a little apprehensive in letting you go.” Troy offered a weak smile, but his eyes said he really wasn’t happy with me going.

“It’s not like this side, Daxx,” Quinton said quietly.

“It’s dangerous.” Rafael added.

Rolling my eyes in their direction I shook my head. “Have you seen my neighborhood?”

Mitz came into the room carrying a small bag. “Oh for heaven’s sake. She’s only going over for a few days, you’re all acting like it’s an eternity.” She set the bag down and smiled at me. “I packed you some of your favored outfits.” Kissing my cheek, she turned and started back up the hallway. “Have a good time, love.”

Sighing, Rafael came over and leaned down and kissed my cheek. “I’ll call if we need you, little Huntress.” I stood there and watched him leave, not at all sure where the kiss part had come from.

Quinton grasped my shoulders and spun me around so quickly, I almost tipped over. “You call me.” He said with no leeway for discussion.

I nodded my head much like a child would when they’re going off to summer camp. “I really don’t know what you guys are so worried about.”

“They’re afraid I’m going to convince you to stay on my side.” I turned to see Chase lounging in the open doorway. His grin reminded me of the big bad wolf.

Looking at Troy and then Quinton I picked up the bag. “I’m going over because, first I said I would and if I’m going to be the Huntress Queen of Alterealm shouldn’t I know all of it?” Troy inclined his head but didn’t answer me.

“Aw, kitten, I thought it was to spend time with me.”

I smirked, “that too.”

Chase held out his hand, the silver ring with the sun shining at me. I went over and placed mine in his. “I’ll keep her close.” He said to his twin, an odd look in his eyes when he did.

The tunnel was much like the one I’d come in on my arrival in this place, only it didn’t go down, it was level. “What’s with the tunnels?”

“It’s faster, no traffic. Secure. This place wasn’t always peaceful.” He continued to hold my hand as we walked.

“Is it so those from night can cross without day?” I still wasn’t sure of the difference between the sides.

Chase stopped and looked at me for a moment before we continued. “You’ve been so busy hunting down those with the devices; no one has thought to fill you in on a little history.”

“It never seemed to be the right time to ask.”

“Daylight won’t hurt a nightwalker and the reverse is the same.”

The tunnel seemed to go on for miles. “Then why have two distinct sides?”

“I won’t go too deep into the history of Alterealm this time, but the distinction is mainly a different life style.” He looked down at me. “That began as a way to separate and control offenders.”

I mulled it over for a second. “I’m not getting it. Offenders?”

Nodding, he squeezed my hand. “Troy gets the do-gooders and I have to wrangle the bad lot.” He shrugged. “In my great grandfather’s time it was chaos, a daily blood bath my father used to say. It was during that time the King, and there was only one at that time ruled the two different sides to Alterealm.” He sighed. “I’m afraid if you want all the details on our history you’ll have to speak to Victor or Arius. I could never pay attention in that class…”

“You have schools here?”

Chase laughed. “Do we seem uneducated?”

I shook my head. “No, I didn’t mean that. I have so much to learn.”

He squeezed my hand again. “You have all the time in the world to learn whatever you want.”

When he stopped, I realized we were standing in front of a door. “Let’s get you settled and then you can decide what you want to do first.” He entered some numbers into the keypad and the lock popped open.

When I stepped through the door, I was facing two very large, very scary looking men. They weren’t scary in the way of gory; just their auras sent a chill up my spine. Before I could look to Chase, they both dropped down onto one knee and bowed their heads.

When I started to reach out, Chase took my hand and shook his head. “There’s none of that touchy feely over here, that’s a good way to lose a hand.” My eyes widened but I didn’t comment. “Sith, Bronx, may I introduce your huntress queen, Daxx.”

Both men stood back up and nodded.

“These gentlemen will either be stationed at the door or outside your room.”

Looking back up at the two men that looked more like pirates than anything else, I offered a small smile and inclined my head. I really needed to start taking notes on proper protocol around here.

Without saying anything further, Chase moved along the hallway. I glanced back around at the men who had moved back to stand in front of the door. “A little more security on this side.”

His hazel eyes swept over my face. “A little more is needed on my side, kitten.”

“Is Victor the justice on this side too?”

Chase nodded as he motioned down the hall we turned to go down. “Yes, all positions apply to both sides, I just have need of a few more over here. Leone is the enforcer and Rafael head of guards and so on, but I have to hold the reigns a bit tighter over here.”

“You said you have the bad lot, what do you mean? Is this side like a prison?”

Opening a door, he led me into a large bedroom. “The prison is on this side, but I meant that I have the ones that don’t like to follow the rules. If someone is judged or banished from Troy’s territory this is where they are sent. “

“And the daylight part does what?”

He grinned. “It’s easier to monitor behavior in the light. Both sides have a curfew that can only be broken for select special occasions. The wasteland has no law or curfew, so try to avoid that area if you’re in the mood for a stroll.”