Chapter 78


Rafael looked at her for a moment and then over to me. “Who is she?” He asked quietly.

I leaned against the back of the couch and crossed my arms over my chest. “I don’t know. She’s always been different, but this is the first time what she’s saying makes sense.”

Standing with his hands on his hips, he studied her. “I’ve never seen her so I don’t have any insight.” He gave me an odd look. “Troy might be able to peek and see where it all stems from.”

I wasn’t sure I was comfortable with that idea at all. “I think for the time being keeping her safe is more important.” I paused, wondering how the hell we were going to manage that. “Any idea why Quinton wanted you back here?”

Shaking his head, he wandered over to the window to look out over the street. “No. He didn’t say.”

Criss came bouncing back from the bedroom, a note-book in her hand. She almost tripped to land in front of Rafael. “I just realized I didn’t even introduce myself.” She held out her hand. “I’m Crissy, well actually its Cristy but I am so not a Cristy type.”

Another one of his soft grins appeared on his face as he took her hand in his. “Rafael.”

She actually stood there and let him hold her hand for a minute before pulling it free. “You are filled with so much goodness, it’s so nice for a change.” With that, she turned and went over to the couch and dropped down, opening the book and began writing in it.

Sending me a curious look, he leaned back against the wall and watched her for a minute. “You can sense what’s inside a person?”

At first I didn’t think she heard him but then her red head popped up and she nodded. “Uh huh.” She frowned. “I don’t know how really, it’s just been something I have done since I was a kid.” A pained look crossed her face. “It’s taxing at times, with the way the world is, so much bad out there…” Lowering her head, she went back to her notebook.

So many little pieces were clinking into place inside my mind. The reasons behind Criss and the way she was. If I could sense good and bad, I would lock myself up somewhere and never come back. What she must go through just to hang out anywhere public, I shuddered.

Going over, I sat on the table in front of her. “Criss, I need you to do something for me. It might take a few weeks of your time…”

Lifting her face from the book she smiled. “Anything for you, Daxx.” She smiled. “I think I probably owe you a few.”

I laughed. “Oh, maybe.” Looking down at the notebook, I wondered what she was writing but focused my mind back on the topic I wanted to discuss with her. “If I set you up with my laptop, would you be able to do some serious research for me? It could go back hundreds of years actually.”

She frowned and studied me for a minute. “You’re looking for someone.”

Surprised yet once more, I sighed. “Yeah.”

“Does it have to do with the scary guy and what’s going on there?” She held up a hand. “I don’t want to know what he’s up to by the way.” She shuddered.

Shaking my head, I clasped my hands and leaned forward. “No, it’s not. I need you to find a certain type of story for me. Strange ones like a man never aging or being accused of oddities like being a vampire …” I really didn’t know how to explain it. So far she’d handled things pretty well, but saying I needed to find a three hundred year old man even sounded crazy to me.

Leaning forward, she considered what I was saying. “Vampires are real.”

Rafael moved over and stood there with his arms crossed over his chest. “The man we’re looking for isn’t a vampire, but he may have been accused of being one over the years.”

With a serious look on her face she studied Rafael for a moment. “This man is lost to you?” Raf nodded, a pained look on his face. “Do you know his name?”

With a sigh, he shook his head. “No. His mother’s last name was Brown, that’s all we know.”

I rubbed my temples. With a last name like that it made the search a thousand times harder. Why couldn’t it be an unusual last name? “It’s going to be tedious.”

She grinned. “I will have to clear my full schedule then.” She turned sad brown eyes to Rafael. “I’ll try to find him.” She raised her eyebrows in an odd way. “How far back am I looking?”

I looked at the floor and spoke to it. “Three hundred years?”

She chuckled. “I don’t want details. The more I know the more trouble finds me.” Getting up she went back into the bedroom.

“Okay.” Sighing I got up and went over to the window. “Quinton should have been back by now.”

Rafael cleared his throat. “I believe he was summoned by our Kings for a little talk.”

I held my breath waiting for him to tell me Troy or Chase were on their way here. Neither I wanted to see right now.

“I have Leone outside, if that’s what you’re worried about.”

Turning to look out the window I shook my head. “No. I didn’t think you’d leave us vulnerable.” I felt him move up behind me.

“I’m sorry for the way things went, little huntress.”

My shoulders slumped. “It’s no one’s fault, Raf, some things are just meant.”