Chapter 40


I don’t know what I was expecting, but it wasn’t what I thought as we spent an hour wandering around as Chase led the tour. This realm had all the technology my side did, maybe more with their devices to cross realities, but to walk around the village closest to where Chase lived it was like I’d stepped back into another era. The shops were quaint and filled with handmade wares, the people although dressed in today’s clothes kept to their own space and were nothing but polite as we passed by.

“Not what you were expecting, kitten?”

I looked up at Chase and shook my head. “Not quite.” We paused to look into a clothing store, where they actually made the clothing and it was like a step back in time if you didn’t count the laptop sitting on the counter.

“The oldest families have kept the traditional feel of the village, I’m not sure if it’s for novelty’s sake or just to keep them busy.” He motioned to cross the street. “The further away from here you travel the quaintness is lost and it bleeds into something more familiar to you.”

“Pollution and mayhem?”

He chuckled. “And then some.” He glanced over his shoulder. “I think you have a few followers.”

Turning, I looked behind us to see a small group of teens following along behind us at a safe distance. At least they looked like teens. I needed to find out how the aging thing worked. One of them quickly came towards us and dropped to one knee. The two guards with us moved closer until Chase shook his head to tell them it was okay.

“Sire.” He paused with his head bowed.

Chase stood there without moving or speaking until the boy raised his head again, then he nodded. The teen stood back up and I noted that he was almost a head taller than me. Was growing this large normal here?

“We noticed the marking of the Huntress… Is it true, sire?” He asked, his face flushing with excitement.

Looking down at me, Chase raised one eyebrow at me and then nodded. “It is.” He stepped aside and motioned at me. “This is your Huntress Queen, son.”

I stood there, not sure what to do as the look of fear and enthusiasm entered the boy’s blue eyes. Before I could say anything, he dropped down in front of me. Here I was again not sure what I should or shouldn’t do. Over the top of the boys’ head, I asked for help from Chase with a look. He smirked and motioned with his head telling me a touch would be acceptable in this case.

I touched the top of the boy’s head and thought for a moment he was going to pull a Rafael and grab me. I tensed, but he only stood up right in front of me grinning down at me.

“I can’t believe you’re finally here. Wait until I tell the others!” With that he backed up and bowed quickly and then took off back to his friends.

I stood there watching them all huddle, looks being cast my way.

“We better move on or you’re going to have to be greeted by the whole gang.”

Eyes wide, I nodded and turned to walk beside Chase again. He was grinning. “What?”

“By nightfall the whole daywalker side will know you’re here.”

“Is that good or bad?”

Chase looked around at the boys as they took off in the other direction. “A bit of both I’d imagine. The kids will fear your justice, some adults will challenge it.”

I stiffened. “Great,” I mumbled. That’s what I needed people challenging me for no real reason other than the tattoo on my back.

I glanced down the street and was surprised to see Victor striding in our direction, with two large guards right on his heels. I’d never seen him in actual daylight and it was shocking how pale he really was. He sent me a brief nod and then went straight to Chase.

“We have a bit of a situation.”

Chase gave him his full attention going from noticeably aware to very alert in a second without hesitation. “Explain quickly before you get a sunburn.”

Victor’s eyes held that annoyed look he often gave his siblings. “We’ve found a large compound that has at least a dozen involved with distributing the devices.”

“Is the magician there?”

Victor shook his head. “No, but his right hand is.”

Pausing only for a second, Chase glanced at the sky. “We’ll have to move before dusk. Where are the others?”

Rubbing the back of his neck, Victor exhaled loudly. “Quinton, Rafael and Michael are on the other side with a possible lead,” he glanced at me, “before they bring Daxx over. Arius has his hands full with the others from yesterday.”

Chase nodded and looked at the two guards with Victor. I could see him doing the math and weighing the odds. He nodded to one of the men. “Go get Sith and Bronx, meet us at the stables.” The large man took off at a run. Chase looked back to his brother. “Where’s Leone?”

Victor dropped his head down. “I don’t know. He went off the grid last night.”

“He back there again?”

I wanted to ask what was off the grid, back where but with the tension radiating from the king and head of justice I decided now might not be the time for gossipy conversation.

Victor glanced up and then looked back to the ground. “Possibly.”

“We’d better leave him be then.” Chase looked at me, his eyes pondering something. With a look alone, I dared him to try and send me to my room to wait it out.

Turning to the other guard that had arrived with Victor, he motioned with his head in the direction we’d just come from. “Go get the Huntress a tonfa with blade and a dagger and strap. We’ll be at the stables.” Then he looked at the guard that stood nearest to me and straightened to his full height. With a low tone, he spoke softly. “Tim, you have one task to perform.” His eyes moved over me. “You are not to let your Huntress Queen be out of your reach at any time.” It wasn’t his words but the way he said them that sent shivers up my spine. “She gets one scratch on her and I will hold you personally responsible.”

Tim nodded once abruptly and then stepped behind me blocking the sun’s rays from even touching me. I guess this was having a shadow in this realm.

Chase stepped in front of me. “You up for a take down?” His tone was light but the look in his eyes was dead serious.

I smiled. “I wouldn’t miss it.”