Chapter 9


“Eight? Good god, don’t they have birth control here?” There were eight giants roaming around here? I wondered how many of them had been in the office earlier.

“Yes, but when you live for several centuries you can have many children without it becoming taxing.”

“I suppose.”

A pleasant look filled his eyes. “Personally, I think mother was trying for the rare female child the queen occasionally has.”

It was obvious he loved his mother. “How old are your parents?”

Gentle brown eyes caressed over my face. “They passed on when Troy and Chase took the thrones.”

“Oh, is that…”

“It was an accident.”

Reaching out, I rested my hand on his arm. “I’m sorry. I didn’t have parents that I knew, so I can only imagine how missed they are.”

“Thank you. Get some rest.”

Exhaling loudly, I nodded. “I’ll try.”

He paused again with the door knob in his hand. “Daxx?”


“Is that your real name?”

I smirked and shook my head. “No.”

Leaning back against the door, he tucked his hands back into his pockets. “What is?”

I bit my lip and then shrugged. “When you’re ready to tell me your story, I’ll tell you my name.”

A big grin appeared on his face. “Fair enough, little Queen.”

I bared my teeth at the title and pointed to the door. “Out.” I couldn’t help laughing with him.

He swung the door open and almost walked right into Troy.

The laughter stopped for both of us.

Troy looked from him back to me, his eyes pausing long enough to notice how I was dressed. “I was checking that everything was alright, I was concerned when I didn’t see you out here.”

Not even knowing the rules, I jumped into to save Quinton from having broken anything with consequence. “He was keeping me company while I ate.”

“I had Mitz put a snack together for Daxx.” Quinton offered as he stepped out into the hallway.

Troy nodded. “Good.”

There was some sort of tension in Troy I didn’t understand. He’d been so laid back earlier and now he was tense. “Did you need to see me for something?” I asked trying to keep him from staring at Quinton any longer.

Turning, his eyes ran over me again. “I had wanted to speak to you, but I see you’re ready to retire, so it can keep until later.”

I motioned with my hand for him to come in. “No. I’m wide awake.” I smiled at Quinton. “Thanks again.”

“My pleasure little…”

“Don’t even.” I snarled at him and made him smile and then closed the door in his face.

Turning, I watched as Troy looked around the room and noted the tray and pop on the table. His eyes strayed to the bed.

Apparently, some male traits were universal regardless of which side of the realm you lived on. “What are you looking for?”

Sighing, he shook his head. “Just pondering something Chase said.”

“Oh? Was it something regarding me sleeping with Quinton? Because that’s what’s going through your head and you’re lucky I’m in a good mood or I’d have him come in and pummel you.”

Stuffing his hands in his pockets, he looked down at the floor. “It’s just so out of character for Quinton to be open with someone.”

“Did you think maybe it’s because I don’t step aside or look away? I don’t see him as a monster.”

Troy’s head popped up. “Neither do I.”

“But many do?”

He sighed. “Yes, I’m afraid they do.” He motioned to the door his brother was on the other side of. “Did he tell you?”

I shook my head. “Not yet and don’t you either. It’s not your place to tell.” A tired look appeared in his eyes and it showed me he was truly as old as he said. “You wanted to talk to me about something?”

Nodding, he rubbed a hand over the back of his neck. “Chase tried to reach one of Wanda’s coven mates, Clairee. She’s nowhere to be found. We’re wondering if she crossed to go find Wanda.”

“Or whatever is going down has sent her into hiding.”

He raised his eyebrows. “I hadn’t thought of that, it’s possible, Clairee is also a witch, if she doesn’t want to be found, she won’t be.”

That extra sense I had acquired seemed to kick in. There was definitely something going on here and somehow I’d landed right in the middle of it. “We’ll find Wanda tonight and then see if she has any answers.” His tired eyes flicked to mine. “Shouldn’t you be sleeping or something by now?”

“Yes, normally, but today doesn’t seem to be going as usual.”

“Tell me about it.” I went over and stood in front of him. “This has been the weirdest friggin’ day in my life.”

He inhaled deeply and nodded. “It’s been interesting.” When he looked back at me, his eyes were a brilliant red.

“Why do your eyes just change like that?”

He shrugged nonchalantly, or so he wanted me to think. “Just tired.”

“B.S. I’m pretty sure a dude as old as you has all the control in the world, even when tired.”

A smile flashed and I caught sight of those fangs again. “You would think. Since the moment you walked into my office it seems to be malfunctioning.”

“I don’t understand.”

He stepped back and looked down at me. His eyes, even red drew me in as much as the pretty hazel ones did. “Your essence is taunting me.”

Here was another moment where I didn’t have a quirky comeback, which seemed to have happened too often for me today. “If you think I’m going to offer up a small taste, I don’t foresee that happening.”

“I know,” he whispered.

Shivers went up and down my spine. My hormones kicked in and the mental image of his mouth on my neck, for any reason popped into my head. Not happening I told myself even as I stood there almost hypnotized by the red eyes looking into my own.

“I should go.”

Nodding, I stepped back forgetting to lift the material from the floor, stumbled a few steps forward and came close to doing a very ungraceful face plant on the floor. Troy caught me and pulled me against him as I struggled to get the satin unwrapped from my ankle. “Apparently, I’m too short.”

“No, you’re the perfect size.”

Stiffening, I looked up into those red eyes and then looked away quickly. “Thank you.” Grasping the material, I hiked it up and stepped back.

Troy continued to stand there and look down at me. He had a strange look in his red eyes and the fact that I could tell was a bit odd.

“Is something wrong?” I finally asked once I had the material all straightened out.

Tucking his hands back in his pockets, he sighed. “I’m sorry. It’s just unusual when I can’t read what a person is thinking.”

“I would think something like that is refreshing, it can’t be fun to constantly know what’s on other minds.”

“It is taxing at times.” He grinned, “or entertaining. It’s just this one time when I’d actually like to know I get nothing.”

I smirked. “It might be good, help you to work on your people skills.”

“My people skills?” His eyebrows creased. “That it might.” Turning he went over to the door. “I’ll let you get some rest.”

I nodded standing where I was, I wasn’t going to try moving again until after he left. When he opened the door, Quinton and two other males were practically standing with their ears against the door.