Chapter 89


I sat down at the table and offered a sleepy smile to all the male faces watching me. “Morning.” Quinton passed me a steaming cup of coffee, I gave him an appreciative glance. While sipping it I noted the two empty chairs at the table. Neither King was present, again. I understood Chase needed some time and, I could forgive him for that, but Troy was another story. For the last three days I’d only caught a glimpse of him as he headed in the opposite direction I was as quickly as possible.

A few pairs of eyes looked at me briefly before everyone put their head down and became very interested in the food in front of them. My appetite, which never failed me, suddenly left me. Taking another sip of my coffee, I glanced around the table. “You’ll have to excuse me, I have something to take care of.”

“Everything alright?” Rafael asked leaning forward with a concerned look on his face. Michael sent him a deadly look making him sit back again and look embarrassed.

I nodded. “Yep, just fine. Enjoy your breakfast.”


I knocked on the door and waited until I was told to enter. When I walked in Troy was leaning against his desk reading some papers. He paused to look me over from head to toe then turned his attention back to the papers in his hand.

“Daxx, what can I do for you?”

I was a perfectly reasonable woman, in most cases, always willing to give the benefit of the doubt. Maybe he really had pressing monarchy issues to handle. “I was just wondering if everything was alright.”

He barely glanced up from the pages. “Pertaining to?”

With that tone of his voice my reasoning faded a few levels. “You. Don’t you eat anymore? You haven’t been to a meal or practice in three days.”

He sent me another brief appraisal. “I ate earlier. I wanted to get a jump on my day.”

His tone, neutral and impersonal made me feel like I was being an annoyance. I didn’t like it. “Can I help with anything? I mean, it must be pressing for you to bypass on family meals.”

Troy’s jaw tensed, but his tone stayed even. “No, but thank you. I think I have everything under control.”

I began to move around, pretending I was looking at anything but him. In truth, I saw nothing but the flicker of red. “Have you spoken to Chase in the last few days?”

“Mmm, only briefly. Perhaps he is busy with his own matters.”

“Oh.” I wandered over and ran my hand over the frame of a picture of all eight brothers. “I just wondered how he’s doing.”

There was a rustle of paper, but I didn’t turn to see if I finally had his attention or not. “I thought…it seemed as if you’d patched things up at the dance.”

I smiled at the picture so he couldn’t see me. “Made peace is more like it.”

“I see.” The annoying regal tone was back.

Turning, I crossed my arms over my chest and looked at him. The pages rested on his knee, but his eyes were on me. “He asked my forgiveness and a few days grace to get his head together.”

Something entered his eyes, but he lowered his lashes before I could read what it was. “I thought perhaps…”

“We were going to kiss and make up?” I supplied for him.

He cleared his throat. “Something like that.”

Shaking my head, I took a few steps toward him and then chickened out and went over to the book shelf. “That’s not going to happen. What inkling of attraction there was between us is gone now.”

“I’m sorry to hear that.” His tone was sincere.

I read a few of the titles on the spines of the books, and wanted to yawn, they were that dreary. Turning around, I leaned back against the shelf. “So, enough avoidance for one day. Is there a particular reason you’re avoiding me like the plague?” Maybe not the best choice of words for a man that had been around for one or two real plagues, but I had his attention now.

His spine stiffened as he looked at me. Good for him, he could play coy until confronted. “I’m sorry, I’ve been busy…”

I grinned. “Don’t lie to me. We can plan imminent battles and still have time for horse play in the gym, so unless there’s a meteor arriving tomorrow to wipe out all living existence…you’re avoiding me.”

I watched his jaw clench as he thought about his next words. “Very well. I had hoped if I made myself scarce you would mend things with my brother.”

“There’s nothing to mend.”

He raised his eyebrows and crossed his arms loosely over his chest. “I felt what he did, how can you say that was nothing?”

Damn this mind connection thing was a pain in the ass. “I’m not saying there was nothing then. With the blood bond, everything was amplified. He admitted it.”

“You weren’t drawn to him?”

“I didn’t say that. I’d have to be blind and brain dead to not be attracted to him.” My mind gave me a poke when I realized I’d pretty much admitted I was attracted to his twin, as in the look-alike whose eyes I was looking into.

A light came into his eyes. “Then maybe with a bit of time…”

I shook my head. “No. It’s not the man, it’s his habits…”

“He could change.”

“Why should he?” Were we really having this conversation?

“If he wants you, he will.”

I threw my arms up. “I’m not the toy surprise here. It can’t work between Chase and I.” I really didn’t want to talk about this with him. Taking a deep breath, I blew it out slowly. “Look, I came here to find out why you were avoiding me.”

“I’m not.”

Rolling my eyes, I pushed away from the shelf and walked over to stand in front of him. The tension in his body radiated from him in damn near visible waves. “You are. It’s affecting everyone and it’s not right.”

His eyes gave away nothing as he watched me.

“I think it would be best for everyone if I went home for a while.”

“How the hell is that the best for anyone?” His tone was suddenly lethal, not a regal note in it.

I shrugged. “Chase won’t come spend time here. Everyone is on edge and treating me like I’m about to burst into flames. You clearly don’t want anything to do with me, which makes all of your brothers…”

He stood up so fast, I almost stumbled backwards. Leaning down so he was right in my face. “I’ve been staying out of the way. If you were meant for my brother than I bloody well want him to have a chance.”

Well, I wanted a rise out of him but now that I had it I wasn’t sure what to do with him. “If I’d been meant for Chase things would have worked out differently.” I shrugged. “I’m not. Hey, we gave this prophecy thing a whirl…”