Chapter 58


Glancing over my shoulder, I caught the curious looks from all the royal brothers. With a sweet grin, I turned back and leaned my head close to Clairee’s, thankful she was close to my height. “Did Wanda get my message?”

She nodded her green eyes wide with excitement. “We worked on them for hours, but we only had time to complete four.” Her expression was pained.

Four? I had hoped for eight, even ten. Four meant I had to actually choose who I wanted to protect. Talk about grueling choices. “But they’ll work? Marcus won’t be able to touch them?”

She nodded again and reached into her pocket. “How will you decide?”

I bit my lip and looked down at the four pendants she placed in my hand. “I have no idea.” Clairee kept looking over at the woman in the corner. “Go if you have to plot your moves.”

She nodded and then lowered her head. “I wish you a safe battle, my Queen.”

I wanted to groan out loud, the titles were starting to make me feel just a little like a fraud. “Thank you.”

I waited until she walked away and then turned and looked at the men in the room. How in the world was I supposed to give extra protection to just four of them? Who would be the most important here to ensure a safe return? All of them? Opening my hand, I looked down at the red pendants, they looked like dragons but I couldn’t be sure.

For a few seconds, I thought how much simpler my life had been before I even believed in things like magic. Funny how your whole world can change in the same amount of time it takes to blink.

Looking up at the men again, I noticed most were watching me warily. Victor would be plain offended if I gave him one, Leone and Rafael the same I imagined. Quinton got one whether he liked it or not, I needed him to keep me sane in all of this. Michael was staring at a spot on the wall, obviously doing a little psych prep of his own. I doubted he’d appreciate some girly notion that would protect him. Turning I studied Arius, I didn’t know much about him but due to the fact he could grab his opponents mind and control them, my token would probably make him laugh.

Taking a deep breath, I made eye contact with Quinton and motioned with my head for him to come over. With a suspicious look, he did without bringing too much attention to the fact I had more or less summoned him.

When he stopped in front of me, I held out one of the charms. “Please take this and keep it on you tonight.”

With his brows furrowed he took it and studied it. “What is it?”

I knew his opinion on magic and didn’t want to tell him straight up that it was just that. “Just something I want you to have.”

His eyes widened and then he smiled. “Thank you, Damariss.”

I snarled at him showing my teeth. “You need to forget that’s my name,” I muttered.

“Never.” He gave me a huge lopsided grin. Chase called him over. With another grin, he tucked the piece into his pocket and went back over.

Troy came toward me. “We’re sending the first group over in a few minutes.” He stopped and glanced at Quinton. “If he finds out you gave him something holding magic he won’t be happy.”

I didn’t ask how he knew. “Then we won’t tell him.” I held one of the dragons out to him. “I have one for you as well.”

He took it and studied it briefly before putting it in his pocket. “That’s not saying much for your confidence in my fighting skills.”

I looked at the huge broadsword hanging from his side. “It’s for the fighting that doesn’t involve brute strength.”

Grinning, he stepped closer and then gave me a serious look. “Be safe, little one, we need you whole and healthy.”

“I plan on staying that way this time.” I looked up into his eyes and couldn’t help notice that even though they were identical to his brothers, they were entirely different at the same time. He was nothing like his twin. This man in front of me went much deeper and hid more than all his siblings combined.

Straightening, he turned and walked over to Quinton and Tim. A warm feeling suddenly filled me and I didn’t have to look far to find the source. Chase was coming to me, his eyes locked on mine. I waited until he was close enough that only he would hear what I had to say. “You need to get this connection thing under control, big guy, I can’t be wondering what you’re trying to convey in the middle of a fight.”

With a burning look, he stopped close enough that I could feel the heat from his body. “Not to worry, kitten, when I want you to feel what I’m feeling you won’t have to guess at it.” He sighed. “I don’t suppose you’d sit this one out and watch from the sidelines?”

Shaking my head, I scrunched up my face. “I’m not much of a spectator.”

“I didn’t think so.” Leaning down he brushed a soft kiss against my cheek. “Hold nothing back, Daxx, I want you back without injury this time.” Straightening he held out his hand. “Now give me my token of your affections and let’s go kick some ass.”

Frowning, I placed the charm in his hand. “How did you know?”

He grinned. “No one sneak’s messages out of my realm without me knowing.” He looked over at his twin still standing with Quinton. “You gave to them as well?”

“Yes, and I have one more for Tim.”

Rubbing his jaw, a hesitant look crossed his face. “I don’t think I like your attachment to my guard.”

“You’ll get over it.” I patted him on the chest and started to move past him.

Grasping my arm gently he gave me a heated look. “Be safe.”

A lump formed in my throat, so I nodded and then went over to Tim without looking behind me.