Chapter 57


I watched as seven of the brothers checked weapons and joked with each other. For the dire situation we were facing, you’d think it was a game. Then again if you lived as long as they did even scrabble would lose its appeal after fifty or sixty years.

Quinton walked over and turned me to look at the Sais hanging all pretty in the straps on my back. I still had my raptor behind me and knife strapped to my hip, but I felt better prepared with the addition of the new blades I now felt comfortable. Chase had only let me practice for a few hours, but the movements came to me now without hesitation.

“Upgraded I see.” He smiled down at me.

‘I didn’t want a repeat of the last time.”

“No. That would be bad.” He glanced over at Chase noticing, like I had, that his eyes strayed in my direction more than they did anywhere else. “Everything okay over with the day walkers?”

I looked slowly away from the hazel eyes holding me captive up into the curious brown ones. “Seems to be.” Quinton’s look of concern didn’t change. I had to wonder if he was picking up on the vibes, or whatever it was between Chase and I, somehow. Leaning closer I lowered my voice. “When you have some time, I have about a gazillion questions.”

He smirked. “Only a gazillion huh?” Shrugging, he patted my shoulder. “I’ll see if I have enough answers for them.”

Tim walked over grinning down at me. “I daresay this time out we’re better prepared.”

“Have you been ordered to stay with me again?” I glanced quickly at Chase.

Tim shook his head. “No, my Queen, I chose to be beside you.” He grinned at Quinton. “What she can do with her new weapons is truly amazing.”

Quinton looked from the burly man back down to me. “I have no doubt.”

Victor walked into the room with a case in his hand and woman with red hair behind him. “Welsley and Clairee will be here shortly,” he announced to the room.

Quinton leaned down and whispered. “As we take them down, that gadget in the case will send them back to holding cells until Victor gets back.”

I was more than impressed. “I wouldn’t mind one of those when I’m tracking jumpers.”

He chuckled. “This one will only work to return to this side and for only two beings.” He motioned to Victor. “The Justice and the Huntress.”

My jaw dropped. “Really?”

Quinton nodded. “Vic will give you a quick rundown before we start.”

I was still flabbergasted that I was allowed to use that device. “Okay.” Turning my attention to the redheaded woman standing in the corner with her eyes closed, I nudged his arm. “Who’s that?”

“A mage,” he muttered with the distain clear in his tone. “Welsley will be bringing a witch with him. Clairee, because she can tap into Wanda’s power on this side.”

I was anxious to meet Clairee and hoped my message had reached her and Wanda. There hadn’t been much time after the meeting to set the plans in motion.

When Chase, Troy and Victor all turned and started coming over Tim bowed quickly and muttered something and then moved in the other direction. I didn’t blame him, those three were a force to reckon with, I wasn’t sure if I was ready to take on all of them at once. Quinton started to move away as well until I grabbed his arm. “Stay,” I demanded quietly. His only response was to chuckle softly.

Victor actually smiled at me when they stopped in front of me. “I am pleased you have selected more lethal weapons little Huntress.” Troy nodded his approval as well.

I looked from one to the other before turning my gaze to Chase. His anxiety was very easy for me to pick up on. I sent him a knowing look, hoping he understood that he needed to tamp down on the excess emotions. Slowly I looked back to Victor. “I don’t like being picked up off the ground.”

He cleared his throat. “I daresay if you go down this time I will have a bloody massacre on my hands.” His eyes moved between the two Kings before he sighed and held up the case. “I have your portable receiver to go with this.” Pausing, he pulled out something that looked like an old-school pager and held it out. “A simple scan of the offender will suffice to send them back here to await justice.”

The way he said the last part made my spine itch. I wouldn’t ever want to be on his shit list. I took the device and turned it over in my hand. “I just push this and wave it over the offender?” He nodded abruptly. Clipping it to my waist, I shrugged. “Okay.”

Welsley came into the room, a small dark haired woman right on his heels. She looked around at everyone in the room and then her gaze settled on me. With determined steps, she glided in my direction. Before I could do anything, the four men near me stepped in front of me creating a solid wall of backs and making it so I couldn’t see a damn thing.

“Hey.” I shoved between Chase and Troy until they moved and let me stand between them. “Seriously, you guys need to take this protective nature down several notches.”

Troy leaned down so he could whisper right against my ear. “Someday you will understand how important your safety is to our kingdom, little Queen.” He straightened and turned to look at his twin. A silent look of warning passed between them.

Shaking off the hostile emotions Chase dumped on me, I turned and smiled at the woman that stood in front of us waiting. “How is Wanda holding out?”

Brushing back her dark locks, she sighed. “Going stir crazy mostly,” she bowed her head, “she sends her greetings, Huntress Queen.” Lifting her chin, she looked at the two men crowding me. “And to you both as well.”

I tried not to roll my eyes at all the regal crap. “Clairee, right?” She nodded. I held out my hand. “I need to speak with you for a quick minute before we leave.” I could see the objection in Chase’s eyes before he could voice it. “Girl talk, Chase.” I winked at him and then took her hand and walked us to the furthest corner.