Chapter 83


Glancing out the window my heart jumped up to sit in my throat. The pavilion was an enormous covered area the size of a football field. And under it were hundreds of people. Just focus on the hunt afterward, I told myself as we stepped out onto the ground. Pasting on a phony smile, I nodded to Quinton and then looped my hand through his and Raf’s elbows.

Talk about being put in the spotlight. We walked slowly down a path as the people parted on both sides of us. It was all a blur to me, one face after another. Looks of shock, admiration and amazement were on all the faces we walked by. I had never been so uncomfortable in my life as I was at this very moment.

At the end of the long wall of people was a platform with a long table. In front of the table stood the other six brothers, and the only thing that made me feel just a little bit better was they all looked like they’d been hit in the back of the head, shock very plain on all their handsome faces.

I looked slowly down the line and stopped at the two standing in the middle. Both wore the same blue I did, which made sense now on some fashion level I didn’t quite get, but I got enough to know I wished I’d picked the peach just so they would be dressed in peach too.

On both of their faces was a look I would never forget either. Where the men standing beside them at least had half smiles on their face, neither twin did, instead they both had this shocked, almost horrified look on their face.

I watched Victor elbow Troy, who jolted like he’d forgotten where he was. Turning his head, he said something to Chase, who gave him a blank look and then snapped out of it and nodded. Both stepped down the stairs together and started walking in my direction.

I must have tensed because both Raf and Quinton paused in step and looked down at me. I watched the kings carefully, both of their eyes had changed and for some reason I began to feel like prey instead of the honored guest.

“Is it safe to hand her over to them?” Rafael inquired quietly.

Quinton glanced from his brother to the two walking in our direction. “They’ll behave in front of this half of the population.”

I caught the half part and was happy the whole hadn’t shown up. “They’ll behave or I’ll beat them upside the head,” I whispered as softly as I could.

Rafael chuckled and lowered his head. Quinton just sighed. The twins were right in front of us by then. Both bowed in only a way they could have pulled off in unison. When they raised their eyes up to mine, they were both still glowing.

Quinton and Rafael dropped my hands and stepped back so Troy and Chase could take their place. Glancing from one to the other I raised my eyebrows. “You guys look pretty good all cleaned up.” We started walking again.

Chase squeezed my hand on his arm. “You look amazing, kitten, my heart still hasn’t settled down.”

I smiled, having no clue how to take a compliment like that. Troy didn’t offer any words but he kept looking down at me more than anywhere else, so I took that as a compliment too.

“So, can we go now?”

Chase grinned and nodded to some people we walked past. “Oh no, kitten you have to dance with all of us first.”

I swallowed. “All of us who?” I said between my clenched teeth while still trying to smile.

Troy leaned down so his head was closer to mine. “The royal family,” he whispered next to my ear.

I looked up and watched as Quinton and Rafael were taking their place in the lineup. I had to dance with all eight of them? Seriously?

We started up the steps. “What are you thinking, kitten?” Chase sounded suspicious.

I looked up at him out of the corner of my eye. “How painful it is to have a metaphysical tattoo removed.”

Troy laughed and then looked over at his brother. “I think I’m insulted.” He grinned.

Chase moved past me to stand beside Arius. “Well, it could be worse, we could have a huntress that likes all this stuff and wants to redecorate our homes.”

I stepped to stand in the middle of them, smiling for real this time.

Troy lowered his head long enough to answer. “Mitz would have us all in frills then for sure.”

When he straightened, the whole crowd started clapping. Apparently, I’d just been accepted as the Cross Over Huntress of Alterealm. I looked right in the front row of people to see Mitz standing there with tears rolling down her face as she clapped. My heart jerked inside my chest, dammit, I was meant to be here.