Chapter 52


As I sank into the steaming water, I glanced at the time and was shocked three hours had gone by since Chase had left. Worry set it, not about being left on my own that was well within in normal limits for me. I was a little concerned with being left alone so long. Three hours without seeing Chase, or even one of the brothers seemed a bit odd considering I rarely had a minute or more without one of the eight lurking nearby.

Getting out of the tub, I wrapped a lush towel around me. It was the size of a blanket and no doubt thicker than the one on my bed at home. There were just some things that no one would ever complain about in this life and a thick fluffy, larger than life towel was one of them.

I stared at my phone on the table wondering if I should call Chase and see if I had a reason to worry. After my almost departure from this and all other worlds, no one was telling me the progress in tracking down Marcus. Then again, in their defense, I hadn’t been conscious much.

Gnawing on my lip, I walked over and looked down at the phone. What if they were involved in another battle right now? I didn’t want to carry that train of thought any further. I wasn’t a worrier, at least I never had been before.

A knock on the door had me spinning around so quickly I almost fell onto the table. Rushing over to the door, I opened it a crack and almost sighed in relief to see Chase standing there. Then I remembered what I was wearing. A big towel was still just a towel when it came to company.

“May I?” He motioned to the door.

Clutching the towel in one hand, I opened the door and let him in. His eyes took their time noting how I was dressed, the interest was plain to see but he didn’t offer any verbal comment.

“Hi. I was soaking in the tub.”

His lips quirked. “I know you haven’t been back long. Tim just spent the last several minutes singing praises to your skill.”

“Oh.” Pulling the towel a little higher, I closed the door completely. “I think I’ve got the hang of it.”

“Mmm.” He tucked his hands in his pockets and just stood there looking at me. “You were worrying when I got here.”

This blood connection needed to wear off soon, I was lucky if I knew what I was feeling most of the time, having someone else tuned in was not something I wanted to get used to. “I just realized how long it had been since one of your brothers checked up on me.”

“Ah. I had hoped some of the concern was for me personally.” He sent me a smoldering look and I couldn’t have looked away if I wanted to.

“Some was.”

He chuckled softly. “My brothers are resting at this very moment it is technically their night time. Early today they were all pursuing some very interesting leads.”

“To finding Marcus?” Chase didn’t flinch when I said his name, unlike almost everyone else.

“We believe we’re getting closer. I should know more tomorrow.”

Not caring if I wasn’t entirely dressed, I moved over closer to him and craned my neck to look up at him. “I want in.” I couldn’t tell what he was thinking. How was it he could connect with me and know, but it didn’t go the other way?

Without changing his expression, he looked me up and down and then stepped closer. Reaching out, he pressed his hand against my side hitting exactly where the wound had been a day before. “How’s your side feeling?” His voice had dropped to a softer tone.

I didn’t want to clutch at the towel like a shy school girl, but I still kept my hand in place. “Right now, all of my muscles are a little tender.” I offered what I hoped came across as a cute little grin.

Raising one eyebrow, he glared down at me. “That’s not what I asked.”

I swallowed, trying to avoid inhaling how good he smelled. “It’s tender, but nothing extreme. Now you can respond to what I said. I want in.”

With his hand still pressed against my side, his eyes moved over my face. “Let’s see how you feel tomorrow and if, in fact, there is anything conclusive to follow up on.” With his other hand, he ran one finger along my collarbone to my shoulder.

I stood there not wanting to move away and watched his eyes change slightly as if they wanted to be yellow but he was controlling them. “If I’m equal to the throne, don’t you have to do what I want?”

He smirked. “At the monarchy level, possibly, but on a male level…” His eyes burned into mine. “I’m still in charge and I will not allow you to run full steam into battle when you are not ready.”

“Okay,” I practically squeaked. What was it with this man towering over me that brought out the girly-girl part of me that I’d never ever been in touch with before?

We continued to stand there, his hand at my waist and the other one now fingering my hair that hung near my shoulder. His eyes were still trying to go yellow.

Taking a shaky breath, I stilled his hand near my face with my free hand. “Do you need to…” I swallowed again. “Feed again?”

At the mention of the word, his eyes leaned towards the brighter hue from the hazel. “I shouldn’t, but I find the urge strong when I’m this close to you.”

“I’d like to try it.” What? My brain echoed inside my head.

Grasping my hand lightly, he lowered it to rest against his chest and looked down at me. “Not out of gratitude?”

I shook my head quickly, almost as if I didn’t I would change my mind. “More out of curiosity than anything else I think.”

It wasn’t until he straightened to his full height that I realized how close his face had been to mine. “It’s not the same as when you fed Quinton.”

“I know.” My nerves reminded me they were there once more.

He smirked. “It doesn’t have to be unpleasant either.” Lifting my chin, his eyes searched mine. “There is only one emotion I want to taste from you, kitten, and it would not be painful in any sort of way.” His voice was soft and husky.

It took a few seconds for my brain to kick back in. “Which one?” Did I sound needy? I hoped not because that was also something this girl didn’t do gracefully.

Lowering his face close enough again, I could feel his breath on my lips. “I think you need to go get dressed before we discuss this further.” He placed a gentle kiss on my cheek. “The emotion I’m after may not be the wisest to stir while you are wearing nothing but a towel.”

Nodding, I clutched the towel to my chest, but didn’t move. I understood what he was saying, but my body didn’t care. At the moment feeling the heat from his body and his eyes holding mine captive, my mind wasn’t objecting either.