Chapter 100


Being surrounded by four large men in the little steel shed on the roof was an experience I didn’t want to repeat again anytime soon. Of course, I had to try to keep my distance from all of them so Troy wouldn’t have another of his predatory episodes.

“How many are down there now, Daxx?” Michael asked sounding frustrated.

I made my way back to the peep hole as the men shuffled out of the way again keeping Troy closest to me. Looking out, I did a quick tally. “Fifteen.” I turned and looked around Troy so I could see Michael. “They’re horsing around more than practicing, but there’s one group that seems to be tight and when they get the moves on it’s almost beautiful to watch.” I puffed out my cheeks and then sighed. “It’s going to be a real shame when you guys beat on them.”

Arius, who had decided he was coming at the last second, laughed. “Just remember they’re going to be gunning for you too, my little huntress.”

I glanced up at Troy quickly to see his jaw tense. I snorted. “Yeah good luck on them getting close enough to even get in a swing.”

Troy smiled down at me confirming he wasn’t going to let me get into any heavy scuffles. I didn’t know how I was going to get around it, but I was not going to stand there and be the only bloody cheerleader for team Alterealm Royals.

“I’ve seen enough.” Victor stated sounding bored. His eyes moved over me slowly and then to his sibling crowding me. “Shall we go back and do some planning? Troy?”

Troy turned and nodded.

The planning was a bunch of men leaning over a roughed-out map arguing which way would be the best. I wanted to go to my room and read through the book, not being really big on plotting out a fight. For me it was free fall and beat on anything that moved, but each to their own.

I did not get to go to my room and read the book when Troy suggested I look through it where they were. Focusing was a little difficult as I attempted to envision these arm diagrams on a body in front of me.

Sighing, I set the book down and lifted my hands again.

“Getting anywhere?” Rafael spoke from behind me.

I turned and grimaced. “No. I will never recognize any of these from this.” I pointed to the book.

He leaned over my shoulder and looked down at it. “Someone wasn’t really big on art,” he quipped.

I shook my head and flipped back a few pages. “This entire section is basically the beginning moves to some real whopper spells. If he’s going to get down and dirty he’d have to start with these,” I sighed, “if I’m even reading it right.” I sounded defeated, I knew I did. It had been one hell of a day, or night so far. Troy’s crowding me was starting to get on my nerves and I was trying to be patient and not rock the boat, so we could all focus on more important things.

“Maybe I can help.” He smiled his player smile. “I spent a lot of time with a young mage once.”

I rolled my eyes. “I’m sure you did.”

He shrugged, still grinning. “I’ll try to decipher these moves so you can see them in action with real arms, would that help?”

I wanted to hug him, but then glanced over at his brother that was leaning over the table with his head close to Michael bickering about something. “Yes that would be awesome.”

Raf looked over at the others and winked. “Don’t worry about him, he’s very occupied right now.”

I let out a deep breath. “Okay. Let’s start at the beginning and see how far we get.”

Picking up the book, I backed up a step and held it out so he could see it. He studied it for a moment, moving his arms a little this way or that and then nodded and looked up at me. When he went through the full motion, it was definitely different than trying to figure it out from sketches. I started to feel a little more encouraged.

He kept repeating it over and over as I watched, picking up the pattern and trying to remember it so I’d know it again. “How,” he started it over once more, “are you planning to be in battle and watch which way Marcus moves his hands at the same time?”

I pouted and kept my eyes on his hands. “I really don’t know. Shit luck mostly.” I grinned and then nodded at him. “Okay I’ve got that one.” I flipped the page. “Next.”

We made it through ten different moves, before they started getting more complex. A few times Raf had to start over because even looking at the book he lost his place. He sent me a sheepish grin. “I knew I should have paid more attention in school.”

I laughed. “You’re not the first to say that. Did any of you boys pay attention in school? Are the people being ruled by a family of drop outs?”

He placed his hand over his heart. “I’m wounded that you would think that little of us, of me. Here I am trying to wrap my brain around these chicken scratches and you’re insinuating I’m a slacker.”

Lowering the book, I tried to glare at him but couldn’t and ended up laughing again. “You are ridiculous,” I gasped out.

His deep chuckle echoed around me. “No, ridiculous would be recording me flapping my arms around like a damn bird here.” He shook his head. “The things I do.”

“What are you doing exactly?” Troy’s tone silenced all movement in the room.

Rafael glanced over his shoulder at him. “Helping, Daxx try to figure these out. Did you look at this book, brother? It’s like interpreting a child’s drawings.” He looked down at me and squeezed his eyes shut as he waited for Troy’s response.

Quinton moved away from the table and strode towards us quickly. “They’re that bad?”

“At least Raf can read children scratches, he’s still at that level himself.” Leone moved away from the others and in our direction as well, an amused look on his face.

I handed the book off to Quinton, not sure what they were up to but knew enough to know I wasn’t going to take a direct part in it. When Arius smiled across at me and then edged his way around the table, I knew they were at it again.

“I didn’t think to actually look in the book. I took Romeo at his word.” He came over looking very serious and held out his hand for the book. Glancing at it he shook his head. “And Raf is able to read this?” He smirked at his younger brother. “You’ve improved.”

Michael and Victor stepped back and crossed their arms, obviously not wanting to be a part of the game when the stakes were this high.

“I think we should all help, Daxx.” Raf suggested, still not facing Troy.

Leone nodded and stepped to stand beside him, blocking me from Troy’s view. “I’m in.”

Quinton took the book from Arius and flipped a few pages. “It could take a while, but anything to help our Huntress.” He winked at me and then stood with his shoulder to Leone’s.

A big grin plastered to his face, Arius stepped in line and I found myself almost surrounded by men that towered over me, blocking out anything past their bodies.

Chase’s voice suddenly filled the room. “Sorry I’m late, I had to attempt some sort of sleep.” His voice faded at the end. “What have I missed?” His pushed his way between Raf and Leone. “Ah, hello, kitten.” He glanced around at his brother’s faces as they tried not to smile. “You guys have a death wish I don’t know about?” He looked over Raf’s shoulder. “That my silly siblings is a rabid animal you’re teasing.” Giving me a sympathetic look when I shook my head to say I had no part of this.