Chapter 91


I brought us back with such enthusiasm that even Tim had to stop for a moment until things stopped spinning. When my eyes were able to focus again I was quite thrilled to see I’d landed us right where I’d meant to. Victor and Troy looked up from the map they’d been studying.

I grinned and walked over quickly. Looking over the map quickly, I stabbed my finger into the area we’d just come from. “There!”

Victor straightened. “You’ve found him?”

I nodded, and tried not to do the jig that was building up inside me. “We got close enough that we even have a rough idea of how many we’re up against.”

Troy glanced from Tim back to me. “Tim could see too?”

Bobbing my head again excitedly, I glanced over to see Tim smiling. “Yeah, he went to pull me back and discovered if he’s touching me he can see through the magic too.”

Troy’s eyes hardened and moved over me before sending a cold look in the guard’s direction. “Pull you back from what?”

I shrugged. “I got a little excited and almost went barreling right into their little compound.”

Raising one eyebrow at me, he straightened to look down at me. “You aren’t going to do anything on your own.”

I ignored the tone that implied an order and looked back down at the map. “It used to be a hospital that was abandoned years ago when they built the new one.” Pointing to the buildings on the map, I continued. “We cut their numbers down that night, but they still have at least thirty,” I looked up at Victor. “Only a few are from my side.”

Victor took a moment to consider what I was saying. “So he’s still making the devices?”

“He has to be.” Looking at Troy, I tried to see what he was thinking but found him watching me instead. Warmth moved through me and I had to give myself a mental smack, now was not the time to having those thoughts. Blinking, I broke his stare and turned back to Victor. “Do you have some way of getting a head count on who is missing from this end?”

Going over to the desk, he picked up some papers. “It’s not as exact as I’d like, some move between to be with mates, others may have just been elsewhere when we came calling…” He flipped through them briefly. “A rough guestimation, we have one hundred unaccounted for.”

Troy finally stopped staring at me and looked over at his brother. “Did you add those we sent back during the fight?”

Nodding, Victor looked tired suddenly. “Yes.”

“One hundred,” Troy said quietly, his tone betraying the situation was dire. When he looked back at me, it was all business. “And you figure thirty are in this old hospital?”

I nodded. “That we could see. There are a lot of buildings in that area though, most have underground tunnels joining them to the main structure, so there could be a lot more than we know of.”

Michael came in and glanced around at all of us. “This can’t be good.”

Troy turned and crossed his arms over his chest. “Daxx has found out where they are and it’s not good news.”

Frowning, Michael closed the door and moved over to stand in front of the map. “Why?”

I looked to Victor to explain it. He tossed the papers back on the desk and came over. Pointing to the spot I’d shown him, he looked up at his brother. “They’re holed up in this area; most likely using all the buildings to keep themselves spread out and so if one group is found the rest will escape. Daxx was able to see at least thirty.” He picked up the watch device off the table and turned it over in his hand. “Most are ours.”

Several emotions passed over Michael’s face as he stood there looking from us to the map. “We need more intel.” He finally said.

Troy crossed his arms over his chest, suddenly looking all alpha. “The problem with that is only Daxx can see to get that.” All three of the other males in the room stiffened.

I looked from Troy around at the others, and felt like I’d just missed the memo on something. “Why is that a problem?”

Tim moved a little closer, all while eyeing up Troy. “You can’t just stay there around the clock.” Troy sent him a look and for a second I could have sworn it was gratitude.

The idea of parking my butt in the same place for the next few days really didn’t sound like something I wanted to do. “Maybe Clairee can make up some of those charms again…”

Tim shook his head. “They didn’t help us see Marcus, only deflect his spell so I don’t think that’s going to help us this time.”

“What about your friend, huntress?”

I turned to look back at Victor. Chewing my lip, I debated on the options we had. The end result I didn’t like, at all. “I’ll talk to her, although she may want nothing to do with this.” I looked at all four of the men for a moment, taking in how lethal they would look on first sight. “If she agrees, it will only be so I can rest or take a break,” I held up my hand so they wouldn’t say anything, “and only Raf or Quinton are to be with her when she does it.” I motioned to all of them. “I don’t want to scare the hell out of her with all of the rest of you giants.”

Tim nodded, Victor and Michael did nothing to tell me if they agreed or not and Troy just stood there with his eyes roaming over me. Every nerve in my body twitched with the knowing look he was giving me. Before I could do or say anything embarrassing, I spun toward the door. “I’m going to find Quinton then go over to see Crissy.”

I felt like a coward as I practically fled from him, but it was either that or make a really big heated scene right there in front of the others. He avoided being anywhere near me, and made sure we were never alone, it was so totally not fair that he stand there and undress me with his eyes when I couldn’t do a damn thing about it.

I rounded the next corner and almost walked right into Chase’s hard chest. I hadn’t seen him since he was being held in the shower.

“That’s what I like, kitten, you running right into my arms,” he drawled, but winked as he said it so I wouldn’t take him too seriously. He paused and held me at arm’s length studying my face. “What’s wrong?”

I made an odd noise of annoyance. “Your brother is an ass!”

He smirked and rubbed the back of his neck. “I’m afraid I may need a few more specifics. I have several brothers that fit that description.”

I shoved away from him and started walking. “The one that looks like you but makes no sense.”

“Ah. Great seeing you, kitten. I’ll catch up with you later when you’re not on the war path.”

I still could hear his laugh as I turned down the next hallway.