Chapter 62


When the next guy advanced on me, my weak moment was long gone and I hoped for the chance to try it again. He made this screeching sound and I paused long enough to wonder what the hell good a noise like that would be in the middle of the death dance. His Bo connected with my shoulder hard enough my teeth felt like they’d just come loose. Now I was pissed. Like the much larger otherworldly guys didn’t already have enough of an advantage over me, they had to feed them freakin magic and then pummel me.

Gritting my teeth, I integrated my old street fight style with the new moves Chase had taught me and went completely Taz on his ass. It was one of those moments when I was glad no one had a camcorder or the time to use it. He obviously had seen what I did to my last opponent because there was no way he was going to let me get near that region of his anatomy.

While I took on one, I could hear the sounds behind me and knew Chase had his hands full with the rest, which meant sadly, I was on my own with this hopped-up villain. Moving to the side, I managed to avoid him, his Bo wasn’t as slow as his feet though and it swiped past my head close enough to move my hair.

If I couldn’t take him down, I was going to have to send him packing. With the Sai in one hand I grabbed the scanner and waited for the moment to use it. It didn’t even phase him when I was all of a sudden fighting with one weapon and a little box in my hand. Clearly his IQ was no threat to anyone.

I had to abandon the other Sai and put it back in the strap when I came within an eyelash width of having my nose relocated on one swing. I really hated to lose a nice blade, but I needed something I could throw at this jerk while staying out of his reach. With a well-timed flick, I tossed the knife in his direction and did the mental happy dance when it embedded in his side and stopped him where he stood.

Not even caring if he was still breathing, I leaned over him and scanned without one ounce of remorse. As soon as he vanished from my sight, I turned and zeroed in on the guy holding his crotch and rolling around on the ground. That time I almost felt regret as I scanned his ass to Vic’s jail.

Pulling my Sai back out, I spun around to help Chase. He was battling it out with two of them. I had no idea where the fifth guy went and really didn’t care at this moment either. He could be found at a less crucial moment.

Chase took another swing and sent the one flying back on his ass. Knowing I wouldn’t get another chance I lunged in his direction with the scanner aimed at him. When he went pop, I turned back to see the missing guy heading my way. What had he been observing and now decided I was the best target?

A swing of Chase’s blade distracted him long enough for me to get closer. We worked as a team, with him blocking their swings and me trying to stab at any body part I could in hopes of striking a blow that would take them down.

It felt like it took us ten years to finally send one of them to the pavement. I scanned him, not even caring if he lived or not. Before I could even take a deep breath the last one took a wild swing in my direction and I stumbled back, landing on my ass and just barely missing a deadly smack upside my head with his Bo.

Tim appeared out of nowhere and snapped the guy’s neck and then paused just long enough to raise one eyebrow at me.

“What, “I panted, “my boot was undone.” A smile crossed his face before he turned to fend off another attacker.

Chase reached down and pulled me to my feet. “Rest later, kitten.” He knocked back someone that stumbled toward us, “dire situation now.”

Picking up the scanner, I glanced over to where Marcus was, only to find him gone. “I’ve had it with these jerks. You distract and I’ll scan.”

He nodded once and then headed back into the thick of it. There were only a half dozen left to take down, but it felt like thirty. Chase came at them from behind and assisted the brother or guard fighting them. When they were immobilized or distracted I rolled in and scanned.

After the last pop sound, it was silent. Looking around I checked to see if all of our guys were still standing. I wouldn’t exactly say they were all on their feet and ready to go as they leaned, slumped and sat against anything. It was right about then my own legs decided that would be enough jumping around and I squatted down only to tip over.