Chapter 39


Suddenly in just a short walk I’d learned more about this place than I had in all the time I’d been here. The only reason I could think was that on Troy’s side, they didn’t have to follow the rules with a rigid control where Chase had to all the time. It also told me why he chose to go over to nightwalker territory, most likely to get a break from constantly looking over his shoulder. I looked around and was surprised that there was a lot less antique furniture, without the ceiling to floor decorations of my other bedchamber.

“It’s not designed for the Huntress; it’s just a simple guest room if that’s alright with you.”

“It’s fine. It’s still a palace compared to my apartment.”

He made an odd sound. “Yes, Troy described your apartment when you went to retrieve Wanda. It sounded tired.”

I laughed. “Tired is one way to put it.”

“Will you be keeping your apartment?”

I shrugged. “I think I should. I need somewhere that’s just mine.”

“I understand. Let us know if you need help with rent or fumigation, we seem to have monopolized all your time and without monetary compensation.”

I turned and looked at him. “Chase?”

He raised his eyebrows.

“Why are you being so stiff with me?”

Flashing his charming smile, while his eyes caressed over my face. “I don’t mean to be, I have to be a certain way when I’m home.”

“It’s just me, you can be yourself with me.”

Moving closer, he leaned down so his face was level with mine. “Oh, I don’t think I can completely be myself with you just yet, kitten, but I have hopes that someday I can.” He brushed his finger over my lip and straightened away. “And if truth be told, I think I’m a little nervous to be alone with you.”

My eyebrows shot up. “Really?”

“Yes and it’s an odd feeling to have at my age.”

I grinned. “No doubt, a guy as old as you, I thought you would have experienced it all.”

His eyes flashed something I couldn’t catch and wasn’t sure if I wanted to. “Oh, not all, just my fair share.”

Wandering away when that awkward feeling came over me, I peeked in the bathroom. Might be simple by his terms but it was several levels above the Ritz for me. “I don’t think your brother feels the same, wanting me to himself.”

He chuckled. “Which brother are we talking about, because in case you hadn’t noticed I have more than a few.”

Leaning against the door, I rolled my eyes at him. “The other King.”

An odd look appeared on his face, lowering his lashes he hid it before I could figure it out. “I think you’d be mistaken on that note, kitten. I’ve never seen my twin lose control like he almost did when you helped Quinton heal.”

“He didn’t lose control.” I tried to remember that clearly but there were a few foggy details.

“Didn’t he?”

Frowning, I tried to recall but couldn’t. “He sent me here.”

Chase grinned. “That doesn’t mean he doesn’t want you there with him.” He strolled toward me with that casual grace that seemed to be a part of him as much as breathing was to most. “I would wager that my brother King sent you here because he wants you.”

“I don’t see the logic.” My heart started drumming a little faster as his pale eyes swept over me.

“That is not for me to explain.” Touching my hair, he brushed it back from my face. “What would you like to do first now that you’re here?”

I bit my lip trying to decide. This was the first time I’d been without two or more large brothers hovering around me. “I’d like to see the side you reign over.”

Surprise filled his eyes before he smiled. “As you wish, kitten. Let me round up our guards.”

“We’re taking guards with us?”

Nodding he tucked his hand into his pockets. “I’m not taking a chance of anything happening to you.” His lips quirked. “I may be a great fighter, but I don’t think I’d stand a chance against all of my brothers if I were to let anything happen to their Huntress Queen.” With that he turned toward the door.

Pausing with his hand on the handle, he looked back at me. “It’s quite warm out today, so dress light and go nowhere on this side without your raptor.”

I didn’t want to tell him I never went anywhere without it. “Okay.”