Chapter 80


With that puzzling conversation floating around in my head, I made my way to the gym. Next to Mitz’s food this was my favorite thing, I had missed it. Horsing around with Quinton at the apartment wasn’t the same at all. Watching eight men mix it up with each other was a sight to behold. I still hadn’t fought them all, but today was a new day and maybe I’d get lucky and test out some of the things Chase has drilled into my moves.

When I opened the door, I stopped and just stood there. This was a little different then what I’d expected to see. The backs of six large men was all I could see. I could hear the grunts and clang of metal on metal. Maybe they were checking out something new and deadly.

Pushing my way between Quinton and Rafael, I froze when I finally found out why they were just standing there. It was new weapons, it was the real steel ones and they were being wielded by the twin kings—against each other. It only took me about ten seconds to know that they were dead serious about trying to slice and dice the other. From the looks of the sweat coating them, this had been going on for quite a while. Both had death in their eyes and guilt swamped me. Only a woman could come between two otherwise rational men. Me.

I elbowed Quinton, he looked down at me with worry in his eyes.

“Why are you guys just standing here watching?”

He clenched his jaw a few times before he answered. “We were ordered to stay out of it.”

I shoved my way past him, heading to the wall of weapons. “They may be your rulers, but they’re still your blood!”

Grabbing a real pair of Sais off the wall, I tested the weight of them in my hands and then stomped in the direction of the men three centuries old that were acting like they were twelve.

Troy had a cut on one arm that was deep enough that blood dripped onto the mat, from the looks of it his face had taken a few blows as well. Chase didn’t seem to be fairing any better with a slice in the front of his shirt and fat lip. Both were so intent on the other that they had no idea what was going on around them. I watched the angle of the swings and blocks as I moved closer, if I screwed this up there would be two pieces of me.

Dropping below their swing level, I sprang up between them as they both rounded back for another swing. The tips of the Sais came to chest level on each chest, just below their collar bones. Both giant men paused in mid swing and looked down at me like they were shocked. “Can anyone join this party or is rampaging testosterone the prerequisite?”

Chase knocked the Sai away from his chest and tossed his broadsword to the floor. I watched him for a second until the shame filled his eyes before turning to the other man at the end of my blade.

Troy wasn’t so quick to knock the threat away from his body. He dropped the sword and then just stood there looking down at me, I wasn’t sure what was going through his mind but there was no shame or embarrassment in those hazel eyes. When he placed his hands on his hips and took a deep breath trying to catch his breath, I lowered the weapon.

“What the hell are you two doing?” I looked from one to the other, still not sure if I should let them off that easy or bop them both with handle of the metal in my hands.

“It’s an off day.” Chase said breathlessly.

I snorted. “Yeah, well when I have an off day, I go take a nap and remove myself from having a tantrum on someone. I do not try to beat the bejeezus out of my brother.”

“You don’t have a brother.” Troy said, still looking at the floor.

“A good thing for him that he doesn’t exist if this is how I’m supposed to treat him then isn’t it?” A snicker came from the pack of brothers hanging back. I turned and glared at them. “You aren’t much better, standing here letting them beat on each other like you’re all in a school-yard and took each other’s favorite swing.” The six men looked guilty enough so I turned back to the sweat covered kings, who still wouldn’t look at each other.

Shaking my head, I went back over and put the Sais back on the wall. Trying to collect my thoughts, I stood there looking at it for a moment. When I spun around I glanced at the six brothers that were watching their rulers with wary looks. “You guys get out of here.” Troy and Chase both looked at me. I grinned. “The two of you get to stay.”

I waited until the door closed behind the slowly retreating siblings before I went back over to them. “What the hell happened?”

Chase’s eyes moved over my face as if he was making sure I was okay. “He seems to think I did that with Sabina on purpose to send you running.”

“That’s ridiculous.” I looked at Troy, he was glaring at his twin.

“You have no idea what you threw away.” Troy growled over my head.

Chase’s entire composure changed. He looked at me, his angry, pain filled eyes moving over me before they flicked back to his brother. “I didn’t throw her away! I God damned know what I lost!” Spinning on his heal, he strode from the room without looking back.

I stood there not sure what to do or say next. I was a little embarrassed that I’d come between two brothers, and a little pissed that they behaved that way and made speechless by Chase’s comment. Sighing, I turned back to Troy and raised my hands in question. From Chase I expected impulsive behavior, but Troy always seemed so calm and methodical.

He blew out a long breath. “I didn’t set out to beat the hell out of him,” he admitted quietly.

Moving over I checked out the gash on his arm. “I think he got a few good swings in.”

Glancing down at his arm he shrugged. “That he did.” Turning on his heel he took a few steps toward the door and then stopped and looked back at me. “I didn’t think you were coming back.”

Tucking my hands in my pockets, I studied him for a moment. A sweat covered Troy was an appealing thing, or at least it was to me when my insides tightened. “I said I needed a bit of time. I didn’t anticipate Crissy when we talked about it.”

He nodded. “I would still like to meet her. The chance of her knowing the things she does make me curious.”

“Me too, but she’s a bit flighty. I don’t want to put her before the overwhelming group of you and your brothers just yet.”

He smirked. “You dealt with it fairly well.”

I had to smile. “Well, my sanity has always been in question.”

He didn’t comment, just turned and walked out.

Turning, I looked around the empty space, an odd feeling coming over me. I had the strange feeling of home and yeah, my only thought to that was crap.