Chapter 84


The dancing with the royal family was spread out over the course of two hours. Yep, they made me wear this outfit and shoes for two hours. Some or all of them were getting beat downs during the next practice, that was for sure.

Dancing with Victor and Michael was kind of like dancing with my father, if I even had one it would have felt that way at least. They were both stiff and movements were precise. It was a good thing they knew what they were doing, because whatever dance we were doing I had no idea and just flitted along in my stupid heels like I knew what I was doing.

Quinton tried to crush me in that big brotherly way, but I laughed and breathed a little more when we did what could have loosely been called dancing. Of course, any turns made, he just picked me up off the floor so I didn’t have to decipher which way we were turning next. We had barely stepped off the floor when he pulled me back out for a second dance. I didn’t know if this was even allowed, but he was grinning the whole time.

I wasn’t sure if there was a certain order things were meant to go in, but each time Troy or Chase had started toward me and one of the others had stepped between us and held out a hand. I had to wonder if the non-ruler siblings had conspired to keep me out of reach of their monarch brothers, if the grins passing from one to the other meant anything.

A few of the elders in the large crowd came up to speak with me after each dance. It was a bit of kick to have people speak to me with such respect, this sort of thing I’d never done, but could get more than used to. Arius suddenly appeared in front of me with a huge grin on his face. I glanced around his shoulder to see Chase shooting darts with his eyes at his brother’s back.

Taking Arius’ hand I let him lead me to the dance floor. When we got there, he knelt down and held out his hand near the floor. It took a few seconds to understand what he was doing, but I lifted my foot. He took off my shoe and then the other one.

“I thought you might be a little more comfortable without them.” He straightened and then twirled me out onto the floor.

When we stopped, I reached up to his shoulders and smiled at him. “You thought right.” The music was slow and easy and he didn’t try for any of the fancy steps his older brothers had. I looked over to see Raf and Michael grinning and looking over at Chase. “So, you boys haven’t by any chance conspired to annoy your kings, have you?

He looked over my head to where most of his siblings stood. “There is that possibility.” His eyes sparkled with humor.

I liked seeing him this way and not the stiff guy he usually was. “Why?”

Turning me with ease that made even me appear graceful, he smiled again. “We’re brothers?”

I laughed. “Yeah that’s a good enough reason.” I smiled at Mitz as he whirled me past and then looked back up at him. “Leone and Rafael in on it too?”

“Of course.” He looked down at me with serious eyes. “This may be the only time I get the chance to speak to you without an audience.” His grey eyes moved all over my face. “Regardless of how all of this plays out, I for one will always be grateful for your existence.”

I took a few seconds to digest that and then smiled up at him. “Thanks. Someday when I can look back and admit all of this really happened I’ll probably laugh.”

“You have far exceeded what all of us thought. Remember that too.” Before I could reply he whirled me around so many times I thought I might collapse if he stopped too suddenly.

Laughing as the music finished. I grasped his arm to stay steady. “Think it’s acceptable if the huntress runs around shoeless?”

He bent down and scooped up the shoes as we walked off the floor. “I think it’s perfectly acceptable.”

People parted as we walked back to the tables. I noticed the look of fear and wariness on their faces as they looked at Arius. Glancing up at him, I noticed he was the cause of the looks with the glare on his face.

When we were back to the table, I stretched up and kissed him softly on the cheek. “You know you’re not as badass as you make everyone think, right?”

He frowned at me. “Just don’t tell anyone.” With a wink, he dropped my shoes beside my chair and walked away.

Quinton leaned down and whispered over my shoulder. “The shoes are the only piece you’re taking off, right?”

I smirked. “Have you ever worn a push up bra?”

His eyes widened. I laughed. “Relax, I don’t even know how they got me in it, so I can’t exactly take it off.”