Chapter 46


Feeling a warm body against mine, I knew without opening my eyes that it was Chase. I didn’t know exactly how I could tell it was him but I could feel my heart synch with his. Lying there I listened to his breathing and knew he was sleeping. Opening my eyes, I looked around the dark room. I didn’t know who this bedroom belonged to, but was thankful there was no one else in it. My arms were weak as I moved to flip the covers back.

“You shouldn’t try to get up just yet.” Chase’s sleep filled voice was beside my ear.

“Where are we?” My own voice was hoarse.

The bed moved and Chase was leaning over me. “My room.” He brushed the hair out of my face. “How do you feel?”

Sighing I took a quick assessment of my overall health. “Like I jumped off a cliff and survived. I did survive, didn’t I?”

He smiled down at me. “The prognosis is leaning that way.” Resting his forehead against mine, I watched his eyes shut. “I think I have grey hair now because of you.”

I knew that was his way of saying I’d scared the shit out of him, but I wasn’t ready for the details yet. “You’re blond, no one will notice.”

Lifting his head, he stared down at me. “You need to replace some fluids; I’ll go get you something to drink.” He was up off the bed and I was relieved to see it was only his shirt he was missing.

When he went out the door, I moved the covers down off my body and was a little shocked to discover find out I was wearing a large t-shirt. I didn’t remember undressing in all of this, and hoped that it had been Mitz to assist me with the outfit change. I felt like I was eighty when I tried to move my body up enough to sit against the headboard of the bed. Grimacing I remembered where I was, maybe eighty wasn’t quite high enough considering the circumstances.

Chase came back into the room and huffed. “What part of not trying to get up didn’t you understand?” His voice was softer than the look he gave me.

“I ache from toe to scalp. I just wanted to change position.” I continued pulling my body slowly up the sheet. A burning sensation jabbed in my left side and I stopped and froze trying to understand why.

“Let me do it.” He set the glass down and moved over to slide his hands under me. In a slow movement, he had me up further on the bed then I could have managed on my own.

The burning let up a little bit, enough so I could breathe, but the worry that went with it was still there. “What did I miss? Last clear thought was Victor going all terminator on buddy with the sword.”

Chase sat down and held the glass to my lips. “He bypassed the trial and went right to the sentencing when he saw you turning the ground red.”

I remembered the guard. “How’s Tim?”

“Drink.” He moved the glass against my lips again. “He’s recovering and alive thanks to you.” He let me swallow before moving the glass to my mouth once more. “I saw him go down and you trying to cover him, but I couldn’t get there fast enough.”

I swallowed again and pushed the glass away. “You got there soon enough.” More fog cleared from my brain and the burning in my side seemed to match the throb in my thigh. “How much damage did I sustain?” I tried to move my leg but my muscles refused the request. “I’m a little sore.”

Chase snorted and set the glass down. “A little sore?” He stood up, hands on hips and looked down at me. “You were almost a little dead.”

Trying to sit up further, I finally gave up and rested back against the pillows. “I caught that part as I faded in and out.” Sighing I looked up at him, he looked tired and stressed and the reality hit me. “How many brothers will I have to put up with coddling me when I’m back on my feet?”

Sitting back down, he leaned toward me so he was right in my face. “All of them. I had to ask Quinton and Raf to guard the damn door so we could look after you.”

“Great.” I sighed and then groaned when even my chest ached.

“I’ll go fill the bath so you can soak and then you should rest some more.” He got up.


Stopping he looked down at me. “Thank you.”

“Don’t thank me yet, when you’re recovered I’m training you on how we fight on this side.” His look softened. “You may not like me when I’m done.”

I knew he was serious but I couldn’t deal with anything more than a few sentences at this time. “I’m not sure if I like you now sometimes.”

Grinning, he leaned down again and held my chin. “Be careful, kitten, until my blood connection wears off I can feel whatever your feeling. I may catch you lying to yourself.”