Chapter 67


I was only half listening to the instructions Victor and Michael were giving me on interrogation, honestly if the woman had been from their side I would have paid closer attention, but as she was like me and fit the very familiar category of scum I generally chase down, I didn’t think they could give me much to work with. That was only half of the reason I wasn’t paying attention; the other half was Troy’s behavior.

He stood on the other side of the room by himself, which in a room filled with his many siblings was odd to say the least. Every few seconds his eyes would move from his twin to me. From this distance, I couldn’t make out the expression on his face, but curiosity had me putting my instructors on hold and wandering in his direction.

He straightened away from the wall and uncrossed his arms as I got closer to him. There was no smile to greet me when I stopped in front of him.

“Is something wrong?” I asked quietly so everyone else present wouldn’t stop to listen.

His eyes moved over my face slowly. “I don’t believe so.”

I hated the stiff proper tone he used, but let that slide by. “I know you do the strong silent observing thing more than the others, but you’re taking it a bit further than usual.”

His mouth quirked, like he wanted to smile but it didn’t quite make it all the way. “I learn a lot from standing back and observing.”

“I can’t argue with that, but you seemed unsettled.”

Both blonde eyebrows raised and he looked down at me. “You can sense what I’m feeling?”

I shook my head and then grinned. “Just an observation.”

He almost looked relieved to hear that. “I see.” His eyes moved away from me and in the direction of Chase again. “I’ve never seen him like this, or felt his emotions as I have been.” When he looked back at me his expression softened.

“Are you blaming me or thanking me?”

“I’m not sure.” His hazel eyes searched mine.

Feeling a little too much déjavu with the look he gave me, I glanced over my shoulder at Chase. “The blood healing is wreaking havoc on both of us these last few days.” I turned back to him. “Maybe that’s the reason.”

Troy grinned down at me. “I’m sure you’d love to think that was the only reason.”

Busted. “Yeah, I would actually, can we leave it at that?”

He chuckled. “We could if you’re feeling cowardly.”

I rolled my eyes at him. “Okay then, the truth?” He nodded. “I have no idea what to think anymore. Nothing makes any sense to me.”

Compassion filled his eyes. “I’m sorry, Daxx, I realize there’s been a lot of changes to your world.”

It was my turn to laugh. “My world, my beliefs, my everything…”

“We’re trying not to push you.” He sounded so sincere.

“I know, there’s just so much—”

Chase appeared beside me and nodded to his brother. He placed a hand on my back and rubbed it gently. “Feel like partaking in a few interrogations with me, brother King?”

I watched Troy smile and nod at his twin, but noticed he looked at the hand that rested on my back and the look of what I could only say was envy in his eyes. Smiling up at Chase, I moved out of his touch. “I’m off to play some head games with the crazy chick.”

Chase sent his brother a silent look before smiling back at me. “Take someone in with you.”

“Yes, Sire.” I winked at Troy and then moved back over to Victor. On the way past, I glanced at Arius who stood with his arms crossed and looking completely bored with the whole thing. I stopped in front of him and looked up in his grey eyes. “I have been instructed to take a chaperone in with me.” He didn’t say a word to that. “Wanna volunteer?”

A wide smile answered before his words. “Absolutely, my Huntress. Lead the way.”

Victor sent both of us a warning look as we moved past him to the door. I don’t know for sure what Arius thought, but I was pretending not to notice myself. I didn’t have any funky extra ability to use, so as far as I was concerned anything I did was fair play.

We paused outside the clear door of the clear cell that held the scowling woman. I looked over my shoulder at Arius. “Does your hand print work?”

He gave me an odd look. “My hand print?” He smirked. “Huntress the scanner doesn’t record hand prints, it looks for the balance of your Charma.”

Turning I gave him my best huh? look.

Crossing his hands behind his back, he looked down at me with a light in his eyes that said he was laughing inside. “Your intentions—so to speak. It can measure the good or bad and if the balance is right it will open.”

“Really?” I looked down at my hand like it was going to give me a preview of what my balance or whatever would be. “Think it will work for me?”

He snorted. “It better or we are in deep shit having the long-awaited huntress with a bad streak inside her.”

I wasn’t even sure if that was an answer to what I asked, but I shrugged and placed my hand on the scanner. A light passed under my palm making my hand look see through and then the lock snapped open. “Guess you’re all safe with me.”

“I didn’t doubt it.” He held open the door and let me go in first.

I walked in and wandered over to the other side, taking my time to look at the cot and small table near the top of it. When I was done there, I went over and pushed the door open and peaked into the bathroom. At least I’d been right about that.

When I turned around I expected the hostile female to be cowering away from Arius, she wasn’t and in fact I don’t even think she noticed he was there. So much for my intimidation ploy. Her murderous gaze was on me and me alone, she must have recognized me as the one that vanished her boyfriend. I gave her a quick once over, noting she had seen a bit of action before she tried to take me out with her sporty weapon, her clothes were dirty and had seen better days. “I see you remember me.”

“Where is he?” Her voice shook with emotion.

I shrugged. “I might be willing to share information…”

“I’m not telling you anything until I see him.” She crossed her arms over her chest.

Looking around her, I made eye contact with the hovering giant that still stood by the door, he looked bored again. Tucking my hands into my pockets, I studied the woman for a moment just to give that dramatic pause element into this game. “You do know my friend over there could just make you tell me, right?”

With a brief look at him she sent me a seething look. “I don’t care if he beats me, I’m not saying anything.”

I laughed, trying for a light carefree one, but failing. “Honey, he can get you to do anything his heart desires without ever laying a hand on you.”