Chapter 63


Chase was beside me doing pretty much the same thing, so we leaned back to back while we tried to catch our breath. “I think,” he hissed out a breath, “we need to stop Mitz from feeding us so damn much.”

Quinton chuckled. “Maybe we’re just getting old.”

Leaning forward I found where he was sprawled on the pavement. “Speak for yourself gramps. This chick hasn’t even seen thirty yet.”

“You fight well for an infant.” Quinton grinned at me.

“And you for a geriatric,” I added still trying to catch my breath.

“Can we insult each other after a nap?” Rafael added to the banter.

Victor moved away from the wall and looked around at the few bodies lying motionless in the shadows of the alley. “I’ll send these ones back to be disposed of.” He looked around at everyone. “Leone, once I’ve got it cleaned up you go back up to the roof and take them back to our side.”

Getting to his feet, Leone came over and looked down at me. “Caught some of your action, little Huntress.” He grinned, “you can back me up anytime.”

He may as well have just told me I was the most beautiful woman in the world, I felt pride fill me. “I’ll keep your number on speed dial.”

Grinning, he nodded and turned to leave the alley.

Michael, pulled Quinton to his feet and nodded down at me. “How are your interrogation skills?”

“I don’t even know if I have any, but I can shake down scum for information.” I moved to get to my feet, wobbling too much so I stayed kneeling.

“Good enough.” He came over and pulled Chase to his feet. “Bring her to the cells.”

Bending down Chase picked up his blades and put them back into the harness on his back. “We’ll be there shortly.”

I watched Victor lean over a body on the ground, he checked for a pulse and then did something with his scanner before he sent the body away. When I turned back, Troy towered over me holding out his hand. I let him pull me to my feet, keeping a hold on his hand until I checked to see if my legs were in working order again.

He stood there looking down at me with red eyes. “Are you alright?”

Exhaling loudly, I did a quick assessment of the aches starting. “Going to have some wicked bruises, but I think so.”

I wiped at blood on his jaw and was pleased to find out it wasn’t his. “Thanks for the assist by the way.”

Grinning, he lowered his head. “You fought well, little Queen.” Slowly he released my hand. “Are you still coming back tomorrow?” His eyes strayed to his twin standing a few feet away.

“Of course.”

His expression relaxed. Clearing his throat, he straightened and turned to Chase. “I’ll meet you at the holding cells.”

Chase nodded and stepped over to brush something off my shoulder. I didn’t want to know what I just figured I was better off not asking. “I don’t know about Daxx, but I need a quick rinse before we start digging for answers.”

The image of the large tubs on Alterealm came to my mind. “I could use a quick soak.” Rolling my shoulders, I winced when the one the bat had clipped complained loudly. “And maybe an ice pack.”

Both men hovered over me.

“You said you were alright.” Troy’s voice was filled with concern.

Holding up my hand to stop them from crowding me any further. “I am, just a little banged up in a few places.”

Troy’s eyes went to his brother. Chase nodded. “I’ll take care of her then we’ll meet you there.”

Troy walked away without another word. Turning to Chase I looked up at him. “No more blood. This connection thing is freaking me out.”

He shrugged. “You didn’t mind it when I boosted you with a bit of motivation.”

“That was different.” I checked to make sure I had everything. “That wasn’t an emotion I can’t do anything with.” Having nothing else to do to avoid looking back at him, I turned around and looked into yellow eyes. I wanted to think it was because he was hungry after all the energy, but my skin flushed with warmth letting me know it wasn’t the only reason. “Like that, right there. Don’t you believe in the element of surprise?”

He grinned. “I love the element of surprise, kitten and someday maybe I’ll get to show you just how much.” Taking my elbow, he moved away from the wall out into the open of the alley. “Had enough of your realm for tonight?”

Sighing, I glanced around the dismal space and then nodded. “Yeah, let’s go.”