Chapter 34


The only brothers I hadn’t had to explain to were the two rulers, no doubt though one or more of their siblings had told them what happened. It didn’t stop them from pausing in their conversation to give me a once over, identical expressions on their face and the same concern in their matching hazel eyes told me my fat lip had been noted and would be filed for future reference when it suited them.

I paced along the length of the table, wishing everyone would hurry up and get here. The last we waited on was Rafael. Maybe it was being back here that had me edgy or I was still pissed for letting that asshat get a shot at my face, but I was jonesing for some action and drawn out meetings weren’t within my comfort zone.

Troy and Chase were off in the far corner, heads down, words I couldn’t hear being spoken. At that moment, they looked every bit the rulers. There were lives at stake and laws had been broken, both Kings wanted swift resolution and justice.

I killed a few minutes trying to see if there was any sort of visible difference in them. The only thing I could see was Chase’s goatee and that he wore his hair loose, where Troy bound his shoulder length hair behind his head. Other than that, if there were differences they had to be internal.

Spinning back to go over my footsteps again, I paused behind the chair Quinton lounged in. “Someone should have mentioned snacks—that would have brought everyone together faster.” I said quietly so only he would hear.

He chuckled and lowered his head so no one would notice.

The door opened and I hoped for Rafael, but instead Welsley walked in and looked around. He nodded to Victor and then spotted me and I swear the room almost iced up from the look on his face.

Nudging Quinton’s shoulder, he turned and looked up at me. “What is that guy’s position around here?”

Quinton rubbed the side of his face and game me an odd look. “He was our hunter.”

“Well, shit. No wonder he wants a piece of me,” I murmured.

Welsley waited until his rulers turned and then bowed his head gracefully. “I was told that perhaps my assistance would be needed.”

Troy and Chase exchanged a look. Before they could answer, I went around the table. “I’d like Welsley in on this.”

A shocked look appeared on the white haired one’s face. When he started to bow to me, I quickly added. “Don’t you dare bow to me when we’re just here for a brainstorming session. Try it and your hair will be much shorter when you lift that head again.”

Giving me a wary look, he nodded and moved around me to sit at the table.

Chase was grinning at me when I turned back to look at them.

Rafael walked through the door pulling a shirt over his head.

“God, I hope she was good to make us all wait this long.” I drawled at him.

He froze. “I—what?”

Troy started laughing. “Go sit, Raf. Our Huntress is getting a little antsy.”

“A little?” I snorted and walked toward the table.

With everyone finally sitting, the twin Kings took their seats and filled us in on how many subjects were missing from both sides. This had been happening for a few weeks now and they hadn’t been able to put it together until Wanda told us what was going on. At last count fifty were gone, which left twenty more, if Michael’s count was right, waiting to cross over into my turf.

I listened to the plans, not adding much unless it was in reference to my side of the realms. Welsley I noticed also didn’t contribute much more than I did, but I watched his eyes flare several times when he had something to say, then didn’t speak it.

Holding my hand up, everyone paused and looked at me. “I think it’s fair to say that this is a hell of a lot more than I signed up for.” I grinned, “Okay, I didn’t volunteer for any of it, but wonder woman I am not. There’s no way I can track the fifty missing on my own.”

There were several nods around the table. “I need a couple of captains to even the odds a bit.”

A brief glance passed between Chase and Troy. “What do you have in mind, Daxx?” Troy asked leaning forward so his hands rested on the table, much like his brothers did when things were being discussed.

I glanced at Quinton. “I want Quinton and…” I looked directly at Welsley. “Welsley as my captains, or whatever you’d call them. Who knows the territory better on this side?” Welsley sat straighter. “I know the lay of the land and the natives on my side, but I know nothing about here. I can only take down one at a time, with their experience I think we could crack down and get this done before too much damage takes place.”

“I would be honored to assist you, Huntress.” Welsley said in a proud tone.

Chase winked at me and then glanced at Troy out of the corner of his eye, Troy was smiling.

“I’m in.” Quinton stated without ceremony.

“Great.” I sat back feeling like I had just built a huge bridge over troubled waters.

“What do you need from us, Daxx?” Victor offered up, again surprising me.

Pausing to smirk at him, I stood up and leaned on the back of my chair. “Give me some history on those missing, whatever you can dig up and pictures of the jumpers too.” Moving down the table I stopped beside Michael and picked up the watch device. “They have to keep them on at all times?”

He nodded.

I turned it over and studied it. It looked unique enough that it would be hard to mistake. Raising my eyes, I looked from one pair of hazel eyes to the other. “This family of royalty accumulate any riches throughout the millenniums?”

Troy nodded slowly. “What are you thinking?”

Dangling the watch from two fingers, I waved it back and forth. “Someone sees this and they’ll remember who was wearing it for forty or fifty bucks if you ask in the right neighborhoods, at least on my side.”

“On ours too.” Quinton confirmed.

Troy looked to Chase, who agreed. He shrugged at me. “Let’s do it.”

Michael and Victor both stood up. “With Leone and Rafael’s help we’ll have your lists and information by tomorrow.”

I grinned. “Then I can go and kick some ass.”