Chapter 85


Rafael suddenly appeared in front of me. He looked over my head at Quinton and smiled. Turning I saw Troy and Chase standing near each other, annoyance clear on their faces. “The gig is almost up boys, Leone better meet us before we get off the dance floor.”

Quinton laughed as Rafael grabbed my hand. “I’ll tell him.”

Rafael was the easiest to dance with so far. He didn’t try to lead me around like a puppet, but adapted his moves to mine instead. Not that I needed any further evidence to know he was a ladies’ man, but that summed it up for me.

Glancing around at the women as we went past them, I looked up at him. “So, is the royal family allowed to dance with others after the ceremony part?”

He gave me a curious look. “Why do you ask?”

I smirked. “I’m sensing a lot of females are envying me right now.”

He laughed as his eyes darted around the audience. “Oh, well this dance is for us only I’m afraid.”

“Poor Rafael, stuck with dancing with someone that is like his sister.”

He snorted and then gave me a soft look. “Little huntress, you can be assured that I do not see you as a sister, in any way shape or form.” His eyes raked over me, lingering on the fair amount of my front sticking up over the dress. He grinned, “but I do know which wells to drink from and which ones will get me shot for treason.” He glanced over at his twin brothers standing talking to several older men. “Those two wouldn’t give a damn if I was the baby brother or not.”

I felt the color rise in my cheeks. “Oh.” That’s about all I could say to his confession.

Reaching down he tipped up my chin without us missing a step in the slightest. “If you by chance were to test the water and find neither to your taste, know I’m the first to step up next.” He winked at me and then released my chin.

I only nodded, not that I would ever do it, but what else was I supposed to do. Looking as we went around the floor again, I caught Quinton’s eye briefly. He was sending Rafael one of those looks that said he knew exactly what was being said and wasn’t at all happy about it. Just what I needed in my new life, more brothers fighting.

As the song started to fade, Rafael leaned down and kissed my cheek. “Leone is on the other side waiting.” He straightened and turned me once more so we were walking back across the floor, in the opposite direction from where the kings now stood.

When Leone stepped onto the floor as we neared him, I didn’t have to ask if he really wanted to dance with me. He looked like he wanted to run the other way. “Is he alright with this?” I asked Rafael quietly.

Raf straightened and looked over at his brother. “Keep him talking.” His playful tone was gone.

I nodded and smiled as we stopped in front of Leone. “If we don’t hurry, I may be tackled by one of those two.” I motioned to where Troy and Chase were.

The pained look left his eyes when he glanced at them and then grinned. “Then we’ll hurry.” He grabbed my hand and pulled me out onto the floor.

The music was slow and easy, so I was thankful no special steps were going to be required, but with the way Leone tensed I wondered if it was such a good thing. “Are you going to be alright with this?”

He looked down at me, his blue eyes moving over my face. “They told you?”

I shrugged. “I was happy someone did, I thought I’d done something to offend you.”

Swallowing, he shook his head. “No. Unless smelling so damn good is offensive.”

I offered a small smile. “I’m trying to smell awful, but I don’t think it’s working.”

He laughed and relaxed a little bit. “I have good days and bad ones. Your arrival just caught me off guard.”

“Yeah well if it helps at all, it all caught me off guard too.”

He hugged me tighter and moved us around the floor. “Just smack me if I start sniffing your neck.”

“I can’t smell that good.” Of course, I had no idea what I was talking about, but Raf had said to keep the conversation going so I was trying.

“Daxx, you messed up three of my brothers when you fed Quinton … I’m afraid you’re like pure gold to me.”

I sighed and gave him a puzzled look. “Is that a good or bad thing?”

“For most a good thing, for me a very bad thing.” With a serious look, his eyes moved over my face again. “I would die to protect you though, never question that.”

Closing my eyes for a moment, I opened them and sent him an exasperated look. “I think dancing with all of you is too much for me to cope with.”


I shook my head and let him lead me wherever we were supposed to step next. “I’m finding out too many secrets.” I frowned. “Which is bad for you guys I could turn bitch and use them all against you.”

His jaw tensed as he stared down at me. “I don’t think you’d do that.”

I sighed. “Yeah, I won’t and that just sucks to know this stuff and have to keep it quiet.”

Laughing, he whirled me around and then pulled me tight against him again. We went past both Troy and Chase where they stood near the edge of the dance floor. The looks on their faces promised retribution. I waited until Leone turned me again and then spoke quietly. “I think your twin siblings are looking to beat on a few brothers.”

Leone glanced around until he spotted them. He grinned wide at both of them and inclined his head. With a chuckle, he pulled me closer and whirled us right by them again. “They wouldn’t harm their enforcer.”

I rolled my eyes in an innocent way. “Maybe not but picking on one of their baby brothers, definitely.”

He raised both eyebrows at me. “You could save us, you know.”

The music started to fade. “I could, but why would I interfere with such matters?”

Stopping, he looked down at me and smiled. “Cruel,” he whispered as he led us right in the very direction the kings stood waiting. “I’ll leave you here, my huntress queen.” With a formal bow, he turned and went quickly in the other direction.

I stopped a few feet from Troy and Chase and grinned at them. Chase bowed his head in a regal manner and held out his hand. Inclining mine in the way Troy always did, I went over.