Chapter 42


We didn’t even reach the building before all hell broke loose. Apparently while we were watching them, they had been watching us. Before we could get around the building, two men jumped out of the trees, axes swinging. I had a holy shit that’s a freaking battle axe moment, but I didn’t actually stop to admire, I was too busy trying to avoid the blades of death.

Tim wasted no time inserting his body in the path between one of the attackers and myself. Usually I’d gripe over someone getting in the way, but in this case, I decided his broad sword outmatched my dagger against one of the metal axes trying to take a bite out of our flesh.

In a move that would have brought tears of pride to my eyes if I’d been standing back watching, he ducked and knocked the guy back just enough to make him pause with his onslaught. Never being one to stand on the side lines, I ducked under Tim’s arm as he blocked a second swing and inserted the blade of my tonfa right into the guy’s thigh. With a howl, he dropped the axe to the ground and grabbed hold of his leg. Two points for our team.

Turning, I watched as the other two guards disarmed the second assailant in a much more brutal manner. Tim quickly secured ours to the nearest tree and then came back to me.

As we headed around the building I heard the clang of metal on metal and turned the corner to see Chase in action. The moves he made during sparring were nothing compared to when he had his rage on. Actually, it wasn’t rage, it was a methodical trouncing and it was beautiful to watch. He fought with twin blades, each were the length of my leg and probably the width of my arm. The sheer strength he put behind them staggered anyone that made contact.

I could have stood all day and watched him beat them down, one at a time, but the grunt that came from behind me made me remember this wasn’t a weapons demonstration but the real deal. Liking my hide just the way it was, I spun around and ducked down ready to take on whatever was coming my way.

Not having time to look around and see if my shadow-slash-blocker was handy, I readied for the man heading my way. He at least brought a reasonable weapon to the game. I was almost happy to see a good ‘ol pig sticker in his hand and not some medieval blade.

A few times he got too close for comfort, as fun as being able to fight full out without having to worry about cops dragging my ass in was, I decided it was time to get down to business and remind him it wasn’t polite to stab a lady. Not that I felt I was a lady and above this sort of thing, in fact I might just travel all of Alterealm after this and seek out all the bad guys, I just wasn’t in the mood for the pain of an injury.

His blade came so close to trimming my hair on one swing I could feel the air move beside my head. That was it for this one, I decided. Timing it right, I waited until he advanced again and let him think he had me on the run, so he’d loosen his stance just enough. With a quick spring up, I spun and landed a kick on his temple and down he went a satisfying yelp. Dropping down, I jabbed him in the stomach with the end of the wand just to make sure he stayed put before I looked around for back up to secure him.

Tim appeared out of nowhere and practically hogtied the guy to a nearby fence post. That man needed to enter a rodeo for sure, he had impressive speed and skill with those tie straps.

Surveying the action that seemed to be going on all around me now, I paused only long enough to make sure Tim was finished and had my back. I didn’t want to get the guy in shit by taking off, and I felt a little more secure knowing he was nearby.

Chase was up against one of the biggest guys I’d seen since discovering there was another realm and for half a second I thought of going to aid him and even the odds a bit, but before I could decide how to do that a loud clang right by my ear brought me full circle. Tim had just blocked someone trying to take my head home as a souvenir. The lethal King was on his own as I set out to assist my shadow in taking out the S.O.B. after my head.

This dude with glowing eyes wasn’t using a battle axe but he had a katana and the blade looked clean and sharp. When Tim took a blow to his hip, I didn’t waste any time with drama, I grabbed my raptor and dropped to one knee and threw it. It embedded itself into the guy’s side and down he went. Tim recovered and stumbled over to pounce on the guy and use a good portion of his large self to crush him into the ground. With a knock to the head, that one wouldn’t be getting up any time soon. Sliding over, I pulled my raptor free and help Tim tie the unconscious attacker. “You good?” I asked him. He touched a hand over the gash on his hip and grunted as he got to his feet.

With a nod to me, we turned to see what other damage we could manage. There were fewer standing then when we started. With eyes wide I caught a bit of Victor’s action as he took on the guy in the blue jacket. I understood now why he was justice. He was flawless in his execution and anyone that thought to try and escape him would be sorry. Tim bumping into me brought my attention back. He was holding his side and looking a little green now. Shit, my blocker wasn’t going to make it at this rate.