In buttercup meadow,

'Neath the lonely old oak,

On that warm summer's day,

To me, somebody spoke.

With such tenderness true,

In words sparkling and bright,

But no one could I see,

In that bright summer light.

"You are not to worry,"

The sweet voice it did chide,

"To you I am speaking,"

"From you I do not hide."

"I'm right beside you,"

But no one could I see,

There was only myself,

And this lovely old tree.

I looked all around now,

But no one, as before,

Sitting down in the shade,

The soft voice spoke once more.

"I am the oak faerie,"

"I have lived here for years,"

"And you I have chosen,"

To share in my sad tears."

"For many, many years,"

"It has given me life,"

"When I was banished here,"

"For much faerie glade strife."

"For such a long time now,"

"I've been imprisoned here,"

"For not doing good deeds,"

"Or to honesty steer."

"I was not a nice faerie,"

"I behaved like a sprite,"

"By guiding to darkness,"

"Away from good light."

"I was so mischievous,"

"Just enjoying myself,"

"I did something silly,"

"And upset an old elf."

"The Queen was unhappy,"

"She lectured me strong,"

"To learn the right lesson,"

"I shall sentence you long."

"To be taken from light,"

"And hidden in this tree,"

"Was the sorry sentence,"

"That was given to me."

"Now this wonderful tree,"

"Of which I became part,"

”Without any question,"

"It fair gave me its heart."

"You're the first I have told,"

"You're the first to have heard,"

"I've spoken to many,"

"But they've heard not a word."

"Now you're very special,"

"You hear inside your thoughts,"

"Because of this rare gift,"

"My lesson is now taught."

And there in the oak shade,

A shimmering glow seen,

And then a fair faerie,

Where once nothing had been.

She looked at me sadly,

With tears in her sad eyes,

But a smile then appeared,

And her sadness looked wise.

Her beauty caressed me,

Her love touched me so sweet,

"Oh how so wonderful,"

"It was you I did meet."

"Your belief in faeries,"

"Is delightful and rare,"

"This is a mortal gift,"

"Of which you must take care."

"Not so many are blessed,"

"With so open a mind,"

"To all things, so loving,"

"Or to faeries, so kind."

"You know your presence here,"

"Was not really that planned,"

"I, therefore, am certain,"

"Of a faerie plan grand."

"You came to this meadow,"

"On this warm summer's day,"

"Your feet were directed,"

"To a faerie path way."

"You thought it was perfect,"

"A buttercup delight,"

"But really it was planned,"

"Through your rare inner sight."

Upon these last few words,

A sweet smile on her face,

She just faded away,

With such heavenly grace.

What a feeling inside,

Faerie love all aglow,

I did not feel alone,

But yet where did she go.

"I'm here," whispered her voice,

"I'll always be with you,"

"And help in your need, but"

"You must always be true."

"Just keep your thoughts open,"

"With your heart on display,"

"Be honest and truthful,"

"For ever and a day."

"My sins were not clever,"

"So banished from the glade,"

"But now you have freed me,"

"Our two lives have you made."

In buttercup meadow,

'Neath that lonely old tree,

On a warm summer's day,

A faerie I set free.

She is with me here still,

But no faerie glow light,

She whispers in my ear,

To always keep me right.

If a faerie you seek,

To stay in life's good way,

Go to buttercup meadow,

On a warm summer's day.

Listen to the old oak,

To the buttercups too,

For you never can tell,

One may appear to you.