The trees of the forest have a story to tell,

Of goblins and pixies and faeries as well,

In the depth of a wood where good light’s not seen,

In the dark and the gloom, where no child has been;


Where the cool mist just lies to deaden all sound,

Here is where the magic of the trees can be found,

If ever you go into the heart of a wood,

Always make sure that you’ve always been good;


For a pixie may guide you, heaven knows where,

Perhaps to the gloom of a goblin’s strange lair,

But if you are quiet you’ll here the trees say,

“Beware now children, from the path don’t you stray;”


“Here’s where the faeries in brightness abound,”

“Looking for lost strangers who need to be found,”

Listen to the trees, they will know who you are,

They’ll know you don’t live here but come from afar;

If you are lucky the glorious bluebell,

Will join in the story the trees want to tell,

The whispering of trees, not loud, but so clear,

Speaking these few words, if you can but hear;

“In the depth of the woods where there’s hardly a sound,”

“You may become lost and then never be found.”