The blue bells rang,

The daisies sang,

The buttercups shone all day;

The pixies danced,

The young elves pranced,

But the faeries flew away;

For they all thought,

That it was nought,

In this place, for them to stay.

They knew they should,

Give to the wood,

Of their special love each day;

To trees so tall,

To give them all,

In their very woodland way;

Of faeries' love,

Make branches move,

And canopies gently sway.

To you they'll talk,

When past you walk,

On a pleasant summer's day;

For when you see,

A swaying tree,

If in the woods you play;

So tall and strong,

That's lived life long,

In its own majestic stay;

To you they'll give,

Their love to live,

In a very special way;

For deep inside,

It does not hide,

A faeries' true loving way.

So care for trees,

For know now, please,

Within, faeries' love does lay;

It's there for all,

No need to call,

It will surely come your way;

When care we must,

Our trees to trust,

For their loveliness to stay.

It's faeries' light,

Keeps woodlands right,

While so deep within they play.

If care we do,

And with hearts true,

For these wise old trees' display;

Then love will grow,

The faeries know,

And be with you every day.