Oh dear Robin Redbreast,

not seen you for a while.

Last within my garden,

to me you brought a smile.

Sat thinking to myself,

of where you may have been,

when of a sudden, then

right there, before me seen.

In front of lupins, tall,

stood, staring at me true.

But then something happened,

to change my view of you.

A light, serene, appeared,

to cloak you in its glow,

in which a faerie stood,

that, somehow, I did know,

will be with you always,

wherever you do go.

A faerie to protect,

and make your redbreast glow.

A special bird always,

that shines among the throng,

who knows of faerie places,

yet surely does belong,

within this earthly place,

where humans also live,

with your faerie presence,

and pleasure surely give.