Deep in bluebell woods, 

One late autumn day,

By the sparkling stream,

We were playing away.

Then evening’s last light,

Caught us unawares,

Too long we had stayed,

And now we were scared.

We shouldn’t be here,

Our Mum’s had us told,

The stream was not safe,

With dangers of old.

By day times’ good light,

A wonderful spot,

But once in the dark,

Friendly it was not.

We trudged up the hill,

As darkness crept in,

Not knowing the path,

Or where we had been.

By an old silver birch,

The path went two ways,

Now most surely lost,

Like poor frightened strays.

Staying together,

We decided as one,

Moving quickly we,

Just had to be gone.

The woods now were dark,

Strange sounds filled the air,

Path so uneven,

Step slowly with care.

Mist rising slowly,

As warmth turned to chill,

Was some creature wild,

There waiting to kill.

Now we were holding,

Each others’ arms tight,

With fear shivering,

When up came this light.

A glowing orb danced,

Before our strained eyes,

Then suddenly changed,

To our great surprise.

In sparkling shimmer,

A faerie there now,

Smiling right at us,

And taking a bow.

She spoke so sweetly,

She knew we were lost,

What might befall us,

At terrible cost.

Her words filled with beauty,

They lessened our fright,

And then found we were,

Surrounded by light.

“Here within,” she said,

“No harm may then come,”

“If you are ready,”

“We’ll go to your home.”

Strangely we moved,

No steps did we take,

But movement there was,

And distance did make.

The faerie just glided,

And so did we all,

In total amazement,

Through woodland’s great hall.

How long this did take,

We just did not know,

Past smiling small faces,

We gently did go.

Happy faces for,

We strangers to see,

Happiness beaming,

And eyes full of glee.

Who were we seeing,

The faerie elf folk ?

Not a sound was heard,

Not one of them spoke.

All of a sudden,

We stood at home’s gate,

Surely in trouble,

For being so late.

With loving sweet gaze,

And beautiful smile,

Our faerie departed,

In elegant style.

She faded away,

And slowly was gone,

Then of our aura,

It also was none.

We said our goodbyes,

We couldn’t believe,

That in the dark woods,

We once couldn’t leave.

Sun still not yet gone,

Horizon’s bright glow,

Had time gone backwards,

How could we know.

Lost in deep darkness,

Of trouble we’d made,

There’d been a faerie,

Who'd come to our aid.

We hadn’t took heed,

Of what we were told,

Just naughty children,

Who thought they were bold.

Not back to the woods,

Not ever returned,

With such faerie help,

A good lesson learned.

Perhaps one cold day,

With trouble’s a few,

Those faeries who help,

May well come to you ?

I wonder now still,

Do faeries abound,

Helping when needed,

Those who cannot be found.