I have a little faerie,

she appears within my shed,

I always go to see her,

before I go to bed.

She fills my thoughts with colours,

and pictures of lovely dreams,

so that all around myself,

becomes nothing that it seems.

The beauty of this happening,

still remains when I'm asleep,

and when I wake tomorrow,

the images I still keep.

A faerie's beauty truly,

is just there for all to see,

but first we must think nicely,

of each other, you and me.

These lovely little faeries,

they're with us every day.

Only think just nice, warm thoughts,

one will surely come to stay.

And if you're really lucky,

to you they will soon appear,

for they like lovely feelings,

not nastiness, hate or fear.

Love and care for each other,

in the way that faeries do,

for the magic of their beauty,

to be there for only you.