Resting in this dapple lit glade,

Listening to the bluebells’ song,

As if I was in slumber laid,

Such gentle scent with primrose too,

High up above a glimpse of blue,

Here I wish to be all day long.


Through the tall dark trees stood proud,

From cool depth now comes a sound,

I heard it slight, but also loud,

Voices perhaps, it had to be,

Despite a search nought could I see,

Yet in my heart the answer found.


Thoughts not my own, the answer came,

Young faeries there and in my sight,

Flickering lights in dance like flame,

Clearly though yet not truly sharp,

Surely heard a melodic harp,

For dance and song in dapple light.


My heart was taken, it joined the throng,

All now so clear, new friends I found,

Such easy dance, such lovely song,

In giddy swirls around I went,

The songs, the music, heaven sent,

Through endless time, then absent sound.


No dapple glade of faerie hall,

In chilly place, alone I be,

A reddish glow, a sunset call,

Onto my feet with aching legs,

My mind did search, for truth it begs,

Of Celtic faeries that once found me.