Resting that warm day,

In woodland's cool shade,

Sipping some sweet wine,

That last week I'd made.

With soft bread and ham,

For mid-day's light meal,

An odd sensation,

Like tickling did feel.

An insect perhaps,

I brushed at my ear,

As soon as I did,

These words did I hear.

"Now don't be naughty,"

"You're sat in my place,"

"What a mess you've made,"

"I'd say a disgrace."

I spun round to find,

Who had spoken so,

But no one was there,

So why should I go.

This cool resting place,

Delightfully right,

Shielded me nicely,

Away from sunlight.

"Come, please take the hint,"

The voice whispered low,

Who was it speaking,

I just didn't know.

"Please move your backside,"

"Off this faerie place,"

"This mess you're making,"

"It is a disgrace."

A poke in the ear,

More digs in my side,

I jumped to my feet,

Who was it, why hide?

Who was it did this,

No one could I see,

What was going on,

And why pick on me.

"Now you're not thinking,"

The voice to me spoke,

And with that I got,

Another sharp poke.

This time as I turned,

Now easy to see,

In front of my eyes,

A glowing faerie.

"I've lived here for years,"

"I'm older than you,"

"You've taken my place,"

"Without a thank you."

"I like this cool shade,"

"On this very spot,"

"I always come here,"

"If it's very hot."

"Now don't upset me,"

"If you know what's good,"

"Just move along now,"

"Away from this wood."

I didn't think twice,

I moved off real fast,

This feeling inside,

How long would it last.

A mixture of shock,

Surprise and some fear,

Away from this place,

To never come near.