This summer’s day I strolled with ease,

‘Neath leafy grove on well worn path,

There ne’er a sound but come a breeze,

‘Twixt branches lean as if in lath.

The breeze took form, it spoke to me,

How could that be, with voice so sweet?

I glanced behind but nought to see,

The voice formed true, “You are my leat.”

Quite perturbed, a breeze with words?

The rustle of leaves, now that I knew,

But speak with voice, yes surely heard,

Words so gentle and spoken true.

“I’m on the breeze, it lives for me,

You cannot see but I am here,

A faerie real that cares for thee,

I’m here to help, do not have fear.”

“Into the grove with mind set free,

I heard your thoughts, your joyous smile.

I had to come myself to see,

Who that it was and stay awhile.”

“I hear your thoughts; you’ll not know me,

My form is in the gentle flow,

Of summer’s breeze that passes free,

Through woodland glade where humans go.”

“Warm summer’s days, there I’ll be found,

Where gentle air moves pleasantly,

Most of the time without a sound,

Where humans’ thoughts are found by me.”

“Continue thence your stroll with ease,

Rewarded by my presence slight,

But long recall this moment please,

For now within, you’ll find my light.”

“A light always to shine so strong,

Within your heart and all you do,

Living life true, for ever long,

This is, my friend, my gift to you.”

Filled with warmth in what I be,

My stroll edged on with senses true,

The ‘gift’ I felt, it called to me,

This tale of joy to tell to you.

In woodland glades you’re not alone,

A faerie’s always close by you,

Hearing your thoughts, sadness bemoan,

But if in joy, give love so true.