By moss laden stone in woodland so deep,

What is this secret in hiding I keep,

In glimpses twixt the great aged trees tall,

There you may hear me crying my sad call.

I am doomed here for a day and always,

In form unnatural for mending my ways,

I upset a faerie with words of scorn,

Thence for my sins was from earthly things torn.

No longer human, old, twisted and horned,

Do not gaze upon me, you have been warned,

Venturing out from dark hole’s deep, damp lair,

Succouring goodness from woodland’s sweet air.

If you should see me, ignoring my cry,

Your beauty within, will most surely die.

I suffer here, my sadness to endure,

Unless to this place, a faerie I lure.

Goblins and elves, of me they so despise,

In this, their land, for to taunt them unwise,

My sight and strong smell to them is unclean,

How could a faerie be ever so mean.

If you see one dancing by faerie light,

There in a vision, a beautiful sight,

Please ask her kindly, enquiring of me,

From my great torment, to set me then free,

But please be gentle and never offend,

For you may find she will send me a friend.