Between the willow and the water’s edge flow,

Resting the body with mind at an ease,

My thoughts, they did wander in daytime dream,

Letting them go wherever they did please.

I spied a young maiden in mind’s eye view,

She smiled, she giggled, so easy, so free.

Taken by this dream, a beauteous sight,

I let my mind question who might she be.

My thoughts I did try to divert elsewhere,

Other than here upon where I was laid,

As my mind took me to some other place,

That image of delight could not be swayed.

Come, just a dream; let me start once more,

Open my eyes back to some sense of sane.

The young maiden’s still there, in the same place,

Before my eyes, closed and then opened again.

I thought she was distant, her image small.

No; there before me shimmering so bright,

At barely arms length and entrancing so,

Real and yes true by late afternoon’s light.

“Who is this dream,” I fey dared to ask,

Talking to myself, of that I was sure.

“Do you not know me?” the illusion spoke.

What madness was this, there must be a cure?

The illusion just giggled with some glee,

“Come, come, my lovely, this truly is me.

Within your deep dreams, you’ve seen me a lot,

As morning does break, you so let me free.”

“I do not recall,” my stuttered response,

Talking to an illusion, how could this be?

“Come, come, my lovely, I’m real just like you,

I’m you’re guardian faerie; you know me.”


“As a young child, I would come to your side,

We oft played together down in the dell.”

Yes that I recalled, a child’s dreams, so I thought,

“To your parents of me, you did once tell.”


“They didn’t believe me,” I also recalled,

“All children have imaginary friends.”

With that, a smile, a light pat on the head,

“Of you go now,” and these words were the end.

“We still played together on summer days,

Until your young childhood gave way to school,

I’ve always been with you right by your side,

Making so sure you were nobody’s fool.”


“It’s been a long time since last we did meet,

I thought it time that I came once again,

Your life’s so busy, a rest you do need,

So here I am now, to ease your sad pain.”


Into a warm glow I sank with such ease,

Not asleep or awake, floating away.

For my cares, I cared not, all was at rest,

Not felt like this for many a long day.

At last released, from this wonderful thing,

My eyes opened slowly, all on their own.

Where the willow, the stream, where was I now?

In my own bed, my illusion had flown.

“Oh no I have not, my lovely I’m here,

I said I’d be with you, come have no fear.”

Rolling over, I found her floating there,

“Now, now my lovely, go gently my dear.”


“Why here, in bed, where the willow, the stream?”

“Nothing has gone; it’s as plain as the day.

“Close your eyes tightly, it’s not as it seems.”

I did as I was told, what other way?

The only sound heard, the stream splashing by,

Opening my eyes ’neath cool willow tree.

A cool afternoon, still laid on the bank,

Where was she hiding? “Here you see.”

“I’ll always be with you, did I not say?

Perhaps out of reach but never too far,

My work it is done, you needed it so.”

Indeed true for I’d been not up to par.


But now so rested, my problems seemed naught,

A dream surely in bed where I’d been laid,

How could that be, here the willow and stream,

Of what nonsense had my life then been made?

“Come bring to your mind those games in the dell,

The dreams that we lived, so real and so true.

The places we went, the things that we did,

I made them so real there only for you.”


“Forget not your childhood, therein life’s found,

In many real ways to last your days long.

For each faerie, who stays by your side,

To guide and to help, to right any wrong.


“Fare well my lovely, you know where I am,

When life seems so hard or if you are sad,

Think then of me, I will hear your mind’s call,

To come to your help, I’ll always be glad.


With that she vanished but I felt her still,

Her presence with me, here laid down at rest,

No care in the world, my problems all gone,

From childhood to grown up who would have guessed?