A cheeky little faerie,

Came up to me one day,

She whispered into my ear,

This is what I heard her say.

"I'm a pretty little faerie,"

"I sing and dance all day,"

"I can do what you can't do,"

"And I always get my way."

"You're just a human child,"

"Grow up you most surely will,"

"A pretty little faerie,"

"I will surely be then still."

"You will grow so old and grey,"

"While young I will surely stay,"

"I will still be laughing loud,"

"When at last you've had your day."

"I'm a pretty little faerie,"

"You must do all that I bid,"

"Or of my bold insistence,"

"No never will you be rid."

"If you don't do as I say,”

”A frog you may well become,"

"All green and slimy and fat,"

"And hopping you'll go back home."

Then just as I was crying,

Came another golden glow,

Without a hesitation,

This cheeky thing bowed so low.

"What have you said and done now?"

"This is really far too bad,"

"Your job is to help not hurt,"

"Not making poor humans sad."

The golden glow turned to me,

"Now I must apologise,"

"This young thing was very wrong,"

"Please wipe those tears from your eyes."

In the golden glow's aura,

A smiling important face,

"Of my glade I am the Queen,"

"This faerie's a real disgrace."

"Please do not be that upset,"

"I will put all matters right,"

And with that the cheeky thing,

Quickly vanished from my sight.

If you should meet a faerie,

And she means to treat you mean,

Tell her you will tell of this,

To the faerie glade's dear Queen.

For the Queen will hear it all,

And the upset she will calm,

She'll make sure that you're all right,

And will never come to harm.

The faeries I have met since,

Have been gentle, kind and sweet,

I'm sure this will be the same 

With those faeries that you meet.