“Yes, I have a little faerie,”

that’s truly what my friend said.

“And she’s living in my Dad’s garden,

at the end; in the garden shed.”

“She’s a lovely little faerie,

I try to see her every day,

her little wings, bright and sparkling,

and talking in a special way.”

“Not just before it’s time for bed,

because that’s how it used to be.

Now I see her in the daytime,

except when we’re at school, you see.”

“She has told me lot’s of stories,

about her friends in Faerie Dell.

She knows that in our human world,

I’ve also you, my friend, as well.”

I asked him nicely, he said he would,

this afternoon, just after school,

let me visit the garden shed.

But said I must not play the fool.

At last the time for going home.

As the bell went, I surely was.

Now there it was, that garden shed.

“Be quiet now.” “Why?” “Just because.”

He went in first, I followed close.

Benches and tools and lots of things,

were here, there and everywhere,

hung on a nail, a ball of string.”

But no faerie, where could she be?

“Shush,” but I hadn’t made a sound.

Statue still, I muttered now loud,

“C’mon;” where was she to be found?

Another, “Shush. You must be quiet,

you’re being silly and so rude.

My faerie may not appear now,

if you’ve put her in a mood.”

“She’s a lovely, gentle faerie,

when she’s with you, you must be kind.

And be polite and show respect,

and have nice thoughts inside your mind.”

“I am, I was, I do,” I said,

convincing not one here but me.

Then all at once, just over there,

what was so bright, what could I see?”

In the corner off to the right,

behind some jars and tins of things.

Floating upward so gracefully,

with such beautiful, shimmering wings.

A smiling face with sparkling eyes,

I couldn’t move, what could I do?

My legs said, “Run,” my heart said “No,”

I was so captured by the view.

“Now, now, my friends, I’ll love you both,

for in your hearts I have there seen,

good children still, with open minds,

to glimpse into the world, unseen.”

When all at once, no more a shed,

within woodland glade we now stood.

Dappled sunshine to light the scene,

as though here, now, it always should.

Where is this place, what do we see?

Before the answer could be found,

many faces of faerie kind,

now appeared from all around.

“I’ve let you see this other world,

where faerie kind do really live.

We only come to human sort,

When need there is, for love to give.”

“Come we must not tarry too long,

or here you will surely remain.”

This scene then faded to the gloom,

within this garden shed again.

This faerie was still floating there,

no longer scared at all, was I.

She smiled at us, a lovely smile,

and with a twinkle in her eye.

“What you have seen, others do not,

you must remember all your days.

I shall leave you, my two good friends,

to live your life in human ways.”

“You’re still so young; your hearts are true,

with so many years yet to live.

Stay true good friends, to those you meet,

to each and all, your love to give.”

“I’ll be with you to here your call,

if there should ever be a need.

But now I go, farewell my friends,

my two ‘good faerie friends’ indeed.”

Her image then slowly faded,

in the shed alone, stood once more,

but with our hearts and minds elsewhere,

having seen through another door.

For life we’ll be close friends, I’m sure,

a secret shared that none could know.

Another life beyond this one,

where faeries and their friends do go.