Appearing there, before my eyes,

I blinked once, twice, this wasn’t true,

Still there she stood to my surprise,

When up she spoke, “I’ve come to you.”

With sweetest voice inside my head,

Lips moved little, eyes said it all,

“Have not your fear, you are not dead,

So alive and I heard your call.”

Sat in my chair by garden fence,

Senses dulled as I’d drifted off,

Awoken by some other sense,

And, it’s true, a gentle cough.

A slight figure shimmering bright,

Stood on the grass in open view,

In many hues of faerie light,

“Come, come, my friend, I’m here for you.”

Of slight height she stood a foot bare,

And there her wings, fluttering slight,

Delicately formed, image rare,

Truly an incredible sight.

“You’ve always spoken well of me,

Forever, always within your mind.

I thought it time you should see me,

As years have passed, time to be kind.”

“You have no need to doubt this scene,

Our existence, you know is true,

Many are the words that have been

Written in here by only you.”

“You tell our tale in many ways,

Of our sort who live ‘elsewhere’,

Yet close to humans in their days,

For us, they mostly do not care.”

“Spoken now this, I have you taught,

In a pleasant and kindly tone,

Your inner thoughts of us you’ve caught,

Do not forget WE are truly one.”

A lovely smile, a fond farewell,

Unspoken as no need at all,

She slowly faded, who should I tell?

In words perhaps, here tell you all.