The crescent moon's still light,

Shone across the dark lake,

Shimmering in bright lines,

Of ripples it did make.

Lighting up this calm place,

Where, now here I did lay,

Settling down late after,

A warming summer's day.

To see night's stars twinkle,

In the dark sky above,

While laid relaxing in,

Sort nature's busom love.

When there came a brightness,

From somewhere, there behind,

A sparkly, twinkling light,

But none now could I now find.

The woodland's hidden dark,

So velvety and deep,

The quiet solitude,

Of stillness it did keep.

Looking back once again,

Towards the rippling lake,

Again, a sparkling light beam,

Such beauty it did make.

Then a further surprise,

To me, I came to know,

There, right in front of me,

What a wonderful glow.

As all the shooting stars,

That I had ever seen,

All at once, together,

In one compelling scene.

Whirling round in dancing,

Right before my wide eyes,

Intricate patterns to,

Delight me with surprise.

Now came a faerie light,

Floating, with smiles for me,

Her gleaming eyes also,

Full of fun and such glee.

"Now tell, why did you choose,"

"This special place to stay,"

"For at night we all come,"

"To gather here and play."

At that, the air then filled,

Completely with bright light,

Senses overwhelming,

What a magical sight.

All with such bright twinkles,

Twixt lake's bull rushes tall,

Flew these gay, bright faeries,

With sweet melodic calls.

As hundreds then appeared,

From, I don't know where,

Dancing and all singing,

No effort seen, nor care.

The lake now seemed alive,

Reflections oh so bright,

Dark waters dancing now,

To faeries' gay bright light.

"Come human, you must join,"

"With all of us right now,"

"Please don't concern yourself,"

"For we will show you how."

Then all at once, suddenly,

Up I was, off the ground,

Floating there so easy,

And ne'er a slight, soft sound.

The music I heard played,

As never once before,

To the strange, rhythmic beat,

My body did then soar.

I found myself flying,

Up to the dark edged wood,

This wonderful feeling,

Nought ever felt so good.

Then to over the lake,

Beneath the bright moonshine,

Round and round, many times,

Such magic was all mine.

But as with all good things,

There always is an end,

And time to say goodbye,

To every faerie friend.

With first light's dull red glow,

The sky so gently shone,

Each faerie slipped away,

Except for that first one.

To me, she came again,

And words she gently spoke,

But what she said and meant,

Was lost when I awoke.

Laid upon the cool grass,

Light mist was all around,

Everything was silence,

Ne'er a morning's bird sound.

But o'er the dark, still lake,

A misty, pale, cool light,

Trembling there so slightly,

Barely clear to my sight.

And for just a moment,

In melodic sweet swell,

Feint sounds of sweet music,

That, I remember well.