Pray tell to me of the dapple lit shade,

Wherein you rested that warm Summer’s day,

Of those faeries bright that danced in the glade,

And with your senses did laughingly play.

Of such beauty could this romance be true,

That you were chosen to share secrets rare,

A faerie world glimpse, there given to you,

By dancing creatures that floated on air.

Were they as tiny as you do tell,

Flitting about, in and out of the light,

And of their true form, to you it befell,

To awaken an inner sense of sight ?

Their shimmering orbs to see in full view,

To rapture your mind in strange melody,

Befuddled surely, your thinking it’s true,

As this strange tale you’re telling to me.

Did you awake from out of some strange dream,

An illusion so true but really not there,

Not at all real, that you said it did not seem,

Such strange beauty for nothing to compare.

But what of the glade, you said you awoke,

In another place of shadowed bluebell,

And all that was left, a soft voice that spoke,

“Be careful dear friend, of what you may tell.”

You have told your tale, what danger is there,

Think on, you spoke to me, I am just one,

The words uttered, in his eyes a strange stare,

One sudden shimmer and then he was gone.

I’ve searched for that shade, I knew it once well,

Now nothing is found, ne’er a dapple light,

The story was told, it’s truth who can tell,

And of the teller, still gone from man’s sight.