This by misfortune became then my fate,

For talking to faeries that Summer’s day,

Here now I do sit on toadstool so great,

For asking nicely, could I, with them, play.

“Surely,” they replied, “but you must follow true,”

“Be not afraid by a faerie’s strange spell,”

“For as we are small, you must be so too.”

Then in a trance to their kingdom I fell.

In sweet scented glade, all dappled with light,

I danced in their circles with music so rare,

Drinking their sweet nectar all through the night,

Body exhausting, but I didn’t care.

The circles went up, down and all round the glade,

The strange light of their orbs shining so bright,

Was it my presence here, their excitement made,

Or were my senses no longer quite right?

As first light crept in, the woodland awoke,

Into the fresh bluebells, those tired faeries hid,

Of what I should do, ne’er a word spoke,

Had they hence told me, and what was I bid?

Now on damp earth and my wings of flight gone,

My senses still dancing, frightened and lost,

No aura surrounds me, protective orb none,

For my foolish wishing, was this the cost?

Was I now food for a slimy green toad,

Food for an elvin, a spider or slug,

My future here now, oh what did it bode,

What else might lurk in the depths of this wood.

Up off these damp leaves, a toadstool’s broad hat,

Lay still and so quiet, my presence conceal,

If morn’s birds do spot me, that will be that,

Here now within me, a terror I feel.

When faeries awoke from slumber so sound,

I asked again nicely, return me this day,

To please restore me and let me be found,

But laughingly told, a time I must stay.

Once made a faerie, the spell lasts so long,

They’d granted my wish, what more could they give,

Come dance or just wander, join a new throng,

Enjoy your time for as long as you live.

Now trapped here strangely, to take care of myself,

Real time passes quickly, in faerie glade slow,

If I’m not nice I may be taken by elves,

Back to my old self, I wish I could go.

To be no longer a faerie, but still in this glade,

At the mercy of fate, to this very day,

This real misfortune, by my greed was made,

I wanted what they had, in my own way.

If you should see, good faeries so bright,

Shimmering and dancing so gay,

Floating so nicely in orbs of strange light,

Do not be tempted, to join in their way.

Regale them and praise them, theirs is not yours,

For a fortune it is, to see them at all,

Wishing to join them, don’t make it your cause,

My sad misfortune, to you may befall.